Dirty Business: Fantasies Unleashed 1

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Book: Dirty Business: Fantasies Unleashed 1 by Mara Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mara Leigh
Tags: erotic novella
    “I was blown away by you,” he continued. “How everyone in the room was seeing only the parts of you that you wanted them to see. But me?” He exhaled and shook his head. “Fuck. I got hard watching you talk at lunch that day. It was like I was the only one in the room who saw the real you under the image you put out there.
    “Outwardly, you were all business, but when I looked into your eyes, what I saw was passion. Heat. I felt like you were turned on as much as I was. Watching you, I imagined myself fucking you, or eating you out from under the podium. I even imagined a flush in your cheeks, a slight dilation of your pupils despite the bright lights.”
    It was like Connor actually knew what had gone on. He’d been able to tell how turned on she’d been, even if no one else in the room had.
    His thumb caressed her cheek. “I spent the rest of the day figuring out a way to surprise you, to see you again, to spend some time with you when we could talk and get to know each other beyond our genitals.”
    She tried to look away, but he wouldn’t let her turn, and the connection she felt when she looked into his eyes shot heat to her belly. She rarely trusted anyone, but all she could detect in his eyes, in his voice, in this story he was telling, was sincerity. Had she misjudged him?
    “Do you want to fuck me again?” she asked to test him. “Is that what you want?” She turned against the wall and pushed her ass back.
    “Are you kidding me?” he asked, not even touching her. “If you’re not interested in me, Vicky, that’s fine. I’m a big boy. But I’m telling the truth. As much fun as I had fucking you that first night, I didn’t really want you until I saw you on stage the next day. Watching you, seeing the dichotomy between Victoria Adams”—he made air quotes—“and the woman I’d fucked. I’ve never been more intrigued. It made me want to know you.”
    Her mouth was so dry. For one of the first times in her life, she had no idea what to say. Her breaths came faster, and she realized that she wanted to know him, too, but before she could get the thought to her lips, he took another step away.
    “I was wrong,” he said. “An idiot.”
    “Connor”—she struggled to regain her composure—“I’m sorry.”
    “Do you always fuck men at conferences, then toss them aside?”
    “Of course not.”
    “Then what’s been going on here? Tell me. Because both times, you were certainly willing.”
    He claimed that he wanted to know the real her, but she had her doubts about how he’d react if he heard. “Okay. If you want the truth, I’ll tell you.”
    “I’m listening.”
    Suddenly nerves scrambled inside her. As soon as she told him the truth, that she’d thought he was a sex worker, he’d walk away, disgusted. Suddenly, that wasn’t at all what she wanted. But she also knew that if they had any chance of getting to know each other, she had to tell him the truth about how they’d met.
    She had to really lay herself bare.
    She walked toward the service elevator that led to the back of her penthouse. “Come with me. We need to continue this discussion in private.”

Chapter Nine
    “T here’s really a company that does that?” Connor looked surprised, like he wasn’t sure whether she was telling the truth. But he didn’t seem disgusted. Not yet.
    “I’m not going to apologize for hiring them,” she said.
    His eyes opened wider. “That Ice Queen profile in Fortune —”
    “You did know who I was.”
    He shook his head. “I read up on you the next day. After your speech. The one when I thought I’d imagined your arousal.” He grinned. “I didn’t imagine it, did I?”
    “No, you didn’t.”
    “Where was he? Hiding under the podium?”
    “No. I had a vibrator inside me, another on my clit, and he had a remote. I never knew when, or if, to expect stimulation.”
    He started laughing and stretched his arm across the back of the sofa. “That’s kind of

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