Dinner at Eight-epub

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Book: Dinner at Eight-epub by Jess Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Dee
    “You are acting crazy.” He smiled at her. “But I still love you.”
    Ava didn’t return the smile. “Don’t.”
    “Don’t what?”
    “Love me.”
    “Too late.”
    “No, Jar, craziness aside, I’m telling you, don’t love me. Don’t be in love with me. I-I have nothing to offer in return. I stopped believing in love and fairy tales and happy ever afters a year ago. I tried it once. Went the distance, gave it everything I had to give, and it almost killed me.”
    Jared hated her choice of words. “I’m not Anthony. Whatever he did, however he hurt you, I would never do that.”
    She shook her head. “It’s not about him. Not anymore. This is about me. I can’t do it, I just don’t have the capacity to love again.”
    Bull. Shit.
    Ava had an endless capacity to love. The strong friendships she’d forged over the years and her close family bonds were evidence of that. Hell, it might be platonic, but she loved him too. If she didn’t, she’d never try to warn him off her.
    Obviously it was romantic love that scared her. If Anthony had hurt her physically, then her fear was justified. She’d equate romantic love with pain and suffering.
    But it was just like Jared had told her. He wasn’t Anthony. He wouldn’t harm her. More than that, he was a patient man. If it took forever to convince Ava she was capable of falling in love again, he’d be right beside her for the entire journey.
    If she’d give him the chance, he’d give her the true fairy tale—complete with her very own happy ever after.
    Damn it, he’d give her the world if he could.
    Rather than fight her on the matter, Jared conceded. “I’ll consider myself warned. Now, move your butt, woman. There’s a steak with my name on it and a reservation that’s not going to wait for us.”


Chapter Five
    Dinner was remarkably pleasant. They walked to the restaurant in half silence, Jared seemingly content to leave Ava to her thoughts. He sang his tuneless songs most of the way. But once they were seated—a good half an hour late—he began chatting like…well, like they were old friends.
    It was as though nothing groundbreaking had transpired between them. As though she’d never blabbed about her childhood crush and he’d never confessed his adult love.
    He laughed away her awkwardness about grabbing his balls and made light of the kiss that had almost blown her mind. Jared behaved the way he always did around her. Teasing, talking, smiling and genuinely enjoying her company.
    She told him about her new cookie shop, and he regaled her with stories about his time overseas, spoke at length about the animals and the refuge and discussed the three interviews he’d already set up for work.
    When they arrived back at her place, Jared refused her invitation to come in, pleading exhaustion. He left her at the open front door with a peck on the check, promising to see her during the week.
    While his behavior should have reassured Ava that everything was normal between them, it didn’t. She was a wreck.
    She’d almost attacked Jared. Grabbed his balls in warning. Had he not sweet-talked her out of her terrified stupor, she might well have done him damage. Thank God he’d taken it with a pinch of salt. Though why he had, Ava wasn’t sure.
    Then there was that kiss, which had totally knocked out her sense of gravity.
    For close to a year, Ava had told herself she’d never get involved with another man. She’d sworn off love and romance and sex, and all the other bits that came with a relationship.
    She hadn’t experienced a physical urge in all that time. The thought of being touched or kissed intimately left her cold. Sex was so far out of her realm of probability or desire, she’d welcomed the prospect of never diving into bed with a man again.
    Sex led to intimacy, intimacy led to love and love led to pain.
    Ava wanted no part of any of it.
    Yet she’d welcomed Jared’s kiss. Anticipated it—and returned it.

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