Devilishly Wicked

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Book: Devilishly Wicked by Kathy Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Love
little. Or maybe a lot.
    But hey, what wouldn’t be funny about a woman like her blushing and fidgeting under his flirty attention, especially when she knew he’d never really be interested in her? She was sure it would be quite an entertaining joke, if she wasn’t the butt of it.
    But she managed to push her wounded ego aside and meet his gaze.
    “No, it wasn’t a threat.”
    Pursuing a lawsuit had never crossed her mind, to be honest. After all, she didn’t think she’d win it. Tristan McIntyre and HOT! wielded too much power. And who would believe someone as powerful and drop-dead gorgeous as Tristan would sexually harass her ? Especially surrounded by the plethora of beautiful women he was. Some of the world’s most beautiful women.
    And he was making lascivious comments to his size fourteen, goth/rockabilly personal assistant in her wacky framed glasses and vintage store clothing? No one would buy that.
    But more than that, she’d never considered the idea of sexual harassment, because she was too busy not making waves. Because she needed this job. Period. She couldn’t hope to walk into any other magazine or periodical and start at the salary she was making at HOT! And she needed every dime of that money. Otherwise, she would have quit on her own, long before Tristan became her boss.
    Tristan regarded her for a moment more, and then nodded. “Good. I’m glad we don’t have a problem.”
    He returned his attention to his food.
    She did the same, although not with the same enthusiasm he did. She wished she could just merrily eat her lunch, feeling that everything was hunky dory. Instead, she was feeling—she was feeling hurt. Talk about a stupid reaction.
    “So what do you think?”
    She blinked up at him. “What do I think?”
    He smiled, just a straightforward, non-flirty smile, but her damned heart did a cartwheel in her chest.
    “About the food?”
    “Oh.” She forced a polite smile. “It’s very good.”
    In truth, she couldn’t have told him what anything tasted like. Nor could she really tell anyone what Tristan talked about for the remainder of the lunch. Every now and then, she’d pick up something about the redecorating of the HOT! offices, or other comments about work, but through it all, Georgia just nodded, pretended to listen, picked at her food, and stewed.
    The more she thought about it, the more it really chapped her ass that he could simply say, “Oh, yes, I totally like messing with you—it amuses me,” and expect her to have no reaction.
    Oh, he expected her to react to his flirty words and naughty smiles, but telling her that he was toying with her—now that she was just supposed to accept with no response at all.
    “Excuse me.”
    Georgia snapped out of her bitter reverie as Tristan stood.
    “I’m going to use the restroom,” he told her. “If the waitress comes back, ask for the check.”
    She nodded, although she irrationally wanted to snap at him and tell him to get the check himself. Which she knew would have been a silly response, but she was annoyed.
    She watched as he walked across the room. Several female heads turned as he passed. The hostess even hurried over to ask him if she could help him with anything. He shook his head and pointed toward the restroom sign, but not without bestowing one of his charming smiles on the young woman.
    More irritation filled Georgia.
    The waitress appeared, looking around expectantly for Tristan. Of course.
    “We’ll take the check,” Georgia told her, instantly regretting her harsh tone. It wasn’t this girl’s fault that Tristan McIntyre was insanely attractive and he knew it.
    Another few minutes passed and Tristan stepped out of the bathroom. Again, appreciative female gazes were on him, but he simply strode back to the table, unaware of their looks. Or at least not acknowledging them.
    “Did the waitress come by?”
    Georgia nodded.
    He slipped back into his seat, and then frowned at her plate.
    “You didn’t eat

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