Devil May Care: Boxed Set

Read Online Devil May Care: Boxed Set by Lexi Cross, Heather West, Ashley Hall, Ada Stone, Ellen Harper, Leah Wilde - Free Book Online Page B

Book: Devil May Care: Boxed Set by Lexi Cross, Heather West, Ashley Hall, Ada Stone, Ellen Harper, Leah Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Cross, Heather West, Ashley Hall, Ada Stone, Ellen Harper, Leah Wilde
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about what to say. Hey, there was a strange man in the store today and now I’m totally freaked out. No matter how she put the words together in her mind, they sounded lame and paranoid. In the end, after typing out, then deleting an entire message, she set the phone back down without sending him anything.
    It would be fine. He’d only told her to watch her surroundings. Maybe he was even trying to help her. And she was watching her surroundings now. Watching them like someone was out to kill her.
    She awoke tired, which was not a shock. All morning she dragged. Every step of getting Sophia ready and getting them out the door seemed to take twice as long. She was running late and rushed Sophia into Jeanine’s before speeding off to work.
    She was watching now, not only for cars that might be following her, but for cop cars hiding. The last thing she needed was a speeding ticket. But she also didn’t want to be late after Sue had increased her responsibilities at work. Finally, the gift shop came into view and she let out a sigh of relief. Her clock said she was only two minutes late and there had been no cops.
    She hurried inside and dropped her things in the backroom before settling to look over her task list for the day. Finish the inventory and start the ordering were at the top of the list. Fiona let out a big yawn and rubbed her eyes. Come on, coffee. She took a long sip from her travel mug and hoped the caffeine would kick in quickly. She needed to be able to focus today. She could not mess up her first inventory and order.
    Lunchtime came and went and Fiona was starting to feel even more sluggish. Of all days, why did she have to end up on the early shift today? But, tomorrow, she was closing so she could sleep in. Thank goodness. She desperately needed the extra hours of rest.
    She went to the backroom to get fresh coffee and nearly dropped her mug. Standing there, watching her approach, was the man from yesterday. Her hand shook as she went into the backroom and poured the coffee. She sat for a minute at the table they used for breaks and meals. Her whole body felt trembly. He was back.
    But she couldn’t just sit there all day until the end of her shift. She went right to the front counter, where Sarah was. She looked back and the man was still watching her from across the shop.
    “Has that man been here long?” she whispered to Sarah.
    “I’m not sure, why?”
    “He’s watching me and it’s starting to creep me out.”
    Sarah looked at the man, who quickly looked away. “Maybe he just thinks you’re pretty?”
    “I think it’s more than that. Just keep an eye on him, okay?”
    Fiona picked up her clipboard and went to do the final item for inventory. She tried to ignore the man watching her. An hour he stayed there, hovering, watching. She thought about calling the cops, but he hadn’t actually done anything except watch her. Was that a crime?
    Finally, he left. She felt the relief wash over her and continued on, placing her first ever merchandise order with precision. At least one thing good had come of him showing up. She no longer felt tired or sluggish. The adrenaline had her wide awake and focused.
    By the time she left for the day, she was feeling much better. The exhaustion was starting to return, but she was heading home. She could even take a quick nap if she wanted to. As she walked to her car in, she saw him again. At first, she wasn’t sure. The day’s light had faded into evening, and he was in the shadows, but his eyes were on her as she moved across the parking lot. Her stomach plummeted and instantly she was shaking.
    She got into her car and drove off, checking her rearview mirror constantly to see if he was still there, standing at the edge of the parking lot, leaning against a black sedan. She did her best to memorize the car. Then, through her entire drive, she glanced in the mirror, panicking,

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