Destined to Love (Starting Over Trilogy Book 3)

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Book: Destined to Love (Starting Over Trilogy Book 3) by Brenda Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Kennedy
bed, she cries softly. Angel usually sleeps right next to me or in the crook of my arm. Too much space is between us.
    I scoot over to her and place my hand on her shoulder, “Angel,” I say softly.
    She continues to cry. I stroke her arm softly, again. “Angel, what’s wrong?” Still no answer.
    I think she may be asleep. I get out of bed and walk over to her side. She is lying in a fetal position on the bed and crying into the sheet. I kneel down beside her so I am eye to eye with her. I don’t want to be towering over her when she wakes up; she still startles easily. I stroke my hand lightly along her cheek. She wakes up and looks at me. She doesn’t startle like I thought she would. She blinks a few times.  
    “Are you all right, Angel?”  
    “It’s my stomach.”  
    “Your belly hurts?”  
    “It’s cramping.”
    “Do you know for how long it’s been hurting?”  
    “Have you been to the restroom?”  
    “No, I’m scared.”  
    “Come on, Beauty, we need to see if you’re bleeding. I’ll help you.” I pull the sheet back and help her up. She stands on shaky legs before walking into the bathroom. I wait by the door for her to come out. When she finally opens the door and walks out, she says, “No blood.”
    She takes my arm and walking with me to the bed.
    I pull the covers back for her to get in. Do you know where your doctor’s business card is?”  
    “No, but I have her number programed in my phone.”
    “Good girl.” I walk over and get my medical bag from the closet and take her vital signs and check her pain level again. She says the cramping is better, but I’m not sure I believe her. Her blood pressure is elevated, indicating pain.
    “Stay right here and lie on your side. I’m going to call the doctor.”
    Angel does exactly as I say, and I walk into the other room to make the call. I don’t want to alarm her if I don’t have to.
    Once the conversation is over with her doctor, I take a bottle of water and some Tylenol into the bedroom with me for Angel. She is fast asleep. The doctor said for Angel to lie on her side and drink plenty of water and to take Tylenol for pain. She said if Angel begins to bleed to call her and take her to the hospital. She also said if she begins to miscarry, there isn’t any way to stop it. We can only try to prevent it. I wake up Angel and give her the Tylenol and a drink of water. I tell her the doctor said to rest and she doesn’t question me. I shut off the lights and climb in bed with her.
    She is lying on her left side and has her back to me. I scoot close to her and kiss her head.
    “Sweet dreams, Beauty. I love you.”  
    “Good night, Mason. I love you, too.”  
    Angel hasn’t said much about the pregnancy since her doctor’s appointment. I’m not sure what she is thinking. I know it will be hard on both of us if she carries to term. We will have a remembrance of Jim in our lives every single day. We’ll get past it, but it will take time. It will also be hard if she miscarries. We both have had thoughts that we will feel guilty for having.  
    Angel reaches behind her, and I take her hand in mine. We often hold hands in bed. It’s the closest non-intimate way to be with her. Sometimes I think I’m turning into a girl.
    “Angel?” I say, scooting even closer to her.
    “Do you think God will punish me for saying I didn’t think I could love this baby? Do you think he’ll take it from me for saying hateful things?”  
    I stand up and walk over to the edge of the bed and kneel down beside her. I look her in her teary eyes and stroke her cheek.
    “Beauty, I think God has a plan, I think God already had a plan and things will end up exactly as they should. Your thoughts are normal and should be expected. I don’t think it matters what we say or do. Things will end up exactly as God has intended. If you deliver, you and I will be the parents of a beautiful baby and we will love him or her,

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