Desired By The Alien

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Book: Desired By The Alien by Rosette Lex Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosette Lex
didn’t want to go back. It was a startling realization and it left Vivienne feeling cold, but it felt truer the more she thought about it. She didn’t want to go back.
    She didn’t want to be anyone’s puppet, to be used and abused and discarded. Even if she couldn’t get rid of the camera—even if she couldn’t be entirely free of them—she still didn’t want to go back.
    She felt safer in Que’s bed than she did even thinking about the organization she had worked for.
    “I can hear you thinking too hard,” Que grumbled against the back of her head.
    He sat up slowly and she could just see him glowering down at her groggily out of her peripheral vision.
    “It is a stupid hour and you’re awake and thinking and tense. Why?”
    Before she could talk herself out of it, Vivienne rolled over in his grip to face him, and then pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him.
    “Let’s make a baby,” she said, just like that.
    Que stared up at her, looking perplexed.
    “Alright,” he agreed after a moment.
    “I’m not going to argue with that. But what brought on this change of heart?”
    Vivienne debated with herself for a moment, and then she quietly admitted, “I found my pod, and I didn’t want to use it.” She offered a crooked, sheepish smile that felt out of place on her face.
    “It took me a little while to be willing to admit that I don’t want to go home—I mean, it doesn’t even feel like home anymore when I mention it—but…well, here we are.” She sighed out the breath she had held while speaking.
    “So…let’s make a baby.”
    Que didn’t seem to need much more convincing. He asked, quickly and somewhat perfunctorily, “You’re sure?” and he waited just long enough for Vivienne to nod her head once before he flipped their positions on the bed.
    He rolled them over, his knees and fists on the bed as he knelt over her, and he kissed her, capturing her lips in a kiss that could only be called searing, as if he wanted to devour her and absorb whatever was left.
    As their tongues darted and clashed and their lips slid together like it was what they were meant to do, Vivienne reached up to pull Que down on top of her, and he went readily, flattening out on her after only a small tug. They were already naked, so it was instantly warm, bare skin against bare skin, rubbing together deliciously.
    Vivienne could feel Que’s cock pressed against her leg, growing harder the longer they kissed. She could feel herself growing wetter as well, until she was sure the insides of her thighs were damp.
    Now that Que had gotten what he wanted, though, he was in no hurry to have it be over and done with. When at last the kiss broke, it was so he could go at her neck with lips and tongue and teeth, nipping at the skin to darken it, easing his tongue over it to sooth it, and then sucking full-fledged bruises into the skin.
    He cupped her breasts with both hands, thumbs circling her nipples until they hardened into peaks. He kissed his way down to her chest, and flicked his tongue over one hardened nipple, as he tweaked the other with his fingers. When Vivienne was squirming impatiently beneath him, he switched, swirling his tongue around the other nipple.
    He trailed downwards, kissing his way down her abdomen, shifting down the bed as he went. When he got low enough, he shifted his position so that he was only straddling one of her legs, and he pushed her legs apart.
    Vivienne drew in a slow, anticipatory breath and let it out as a gasp as he leaned down and dragged his tongue along the lips of her sex, from one end to the other. He lapped at the lips slowly for a few seconds, as Vivienne squirmed beneath him, before he finally dipped his tongue in to swirl it around her clit.
    Vivienne moaned sharply and her hips lifted off of the bed before Que pinned them back down again, his fingers firm as they gripped her

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