Read Online DESIRE by Kailin Gow - Free Book Online

Book: DESIRE by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
not just me, I may have accepted my unique situation better. What can I say, Liam, I’m frustrated.”
    He pulled me into his arms, his eyelids heavy with passion. “I tried everything I could to get a real Life’s Plan for you, but there’s nothing my father can do to alter the one you received.”
    “I know, Liam, and I don’t blame you or your father for what’s happened.”
    “I wanted so badly to fix this for you,” he went on, pulling me closer.
    “You wanted to be my hero,” I teased. I enjoyed the feel of his arms around me, but I felt uneasy. I knew I was not supposed to be with Liam. It was forbidden, but I couldn’t help wanting him to hold me like the way he used to before I received my Life’s Plan. I felt guilty, as though betraying some sacred trust.
    “I wanted you to understand that I’d do anything for you. I don’t want to be separated from you. These past weeks have been excruciating and the thought of more such weeks ahead kills me.”
    “What will happen to you if we’re caught together?”
    Few dared to contradict the Committee’s Life’s Plan. Those I’d heard of had paid heavily. Ostracized, humiliated, imprisoned, relegated to a lower district; one could just as well commit a crime and not suffer such harsh consequences.
    “Probably get locked away to rot, get banished… Listen Kama, my father is not only the Governor of all Arcadia, he founded it. He makes the laws here. That gives me some liberties, which I intend to take. Being the son of my father has to account for something. Don’t worry. All I have to say is that I faltered and couldn’t resist you. Anyone in Arcadia would understand that, especially given our history together.”
    His lips were just inches from mine, his breath hot and perfumed with masculinity. I loved how he smelled and tasted and longed to kiss him. Instead I pulled away, grabbed my books and tried to settle us on a more serious endeavor.
    “If I remember correctly, you’re to help me with trigonometry.”
    “Sure thing,” he said wryly.
    Sitting at the neat little desk in the corner of his room, we struggled for fifteen minutes with a few problems and it was clear he was no help at all. Though I admittedly wasn’t the genius I wished I was in math, I managed to find every solution without Liam’s help. If anything the little advice he gave me always led to an error and I had to backtrack in order to find the right answer.
    As I worked on the fourth problem, my thoughts ran to Torrid. I was destined for great things, he had said. My gaze rose discreetly as I looked at Liam. His brow creased in concentration, I could see the difficulty he was having with the problem, even though I’d already begun to find the solution.
    I thought of history and the problems he had there. Arcadian history was a must to anyone who aspired to be governor and though he’d get good grades in exams due to his great short term memory, weeks later he was clueless as to some of the more important aspects of our history.
    How could he govern if he barely knew where we came from?
    His gaze rose to meet mine, slow and seductive as a wicked grin came to his lips. He obviously had no idea the thoughts that rambled through my mind.
    “You know you’re beautiful when you calculate,” he said in a hushed tone.
    “You should have seen me in algebra,” I said. “I was a real knock out.”
    He chuckled and reached for my hand. “You're so incredibly smart, Kama. You’re quick and you get these math problems so much faster than anyone. Maybe the Committee didn’t even know what to do with you because of your outstanding intellect.”
    “Yeah, right,” I sneered. “I’m so smart they can’t even find what to do with me.”
    “Someone at the Committee has obviously overlooked the fact that I need you. What good am I as Governor if you’re not there at my side? You were always the one with the answers, smarter and quicker than I’ve ever been.”
    “Well, seems

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