Designer Desires

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Book: Designer Desires by Kasey Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kasey Martin
breathed, stroking his manhood while Korrine talked.
    “I would get on top of you, slide you in, and ride you slow. Can you imagine me, baby? Riding you up and down slowly feels so good, with you sliding in and out of my wet hot pussy. Can you feel my walls pulsing with every thrust? Can you feel me getting tighter around you, speeding up? You feel so good, baby,” she moaned. “Hmm…I can feel you so deep, stroking in and out of me. You fill me up, and I’m so wet for you, baby.” Korrine was getting hot.
    “Yes, baby, and what else will happen? Tell me, sweetness,” Tony’s voice was hoarse as he chased his orgasm; he was stroking up and down faster and faster.
    “I feel you about to cum, baby. I feel how hard you are pulsing inside of me. I’m strangling your dick. Can you feel how tight I am? I’m ready, baby,” Korrine moaned into the phone. “Are you ready?”
    “I’m ready, sweetness,” Tony said breathing hard.
    “I’m so hot, baby…I’m going to cum!” Korrine’s voice was strained as she was touching herself and rubbing her clit at a feverish pace. She could feel the mounting pleasure, and she was about to explode.
    Tony moaned his release, “Shit, baby!!! Korrine that was totally fuckin’ hot! I’m coming home tomorrow, and you are going to show me exactly what you just described.” “It’s a date,” Korrine said with a tired smile before she disconnected the call. “Goodnight, superman,”
    Damn, I wasn’t planning on phone sex tonight. But if that means even hotter sex tomorrow, it was totally worth it.

Chapter 8
    The next morning, Korrine was putting finishing touches on Tia’s dress in her studio when her door chimed and Steve walked in. He had a bright smile on his face and a cup of coffee in his hand.
    “Hey, Korri. I thought since you looked so tired last night, I would bring you a cup of your favorite. You like caramel macchiato, right?” Steve asked with a smile.
    Korrine smiled in relief. “You remembered! You are a life saver! I didn’t have time to stop today.”
    Steve smiled again. “Anything for you, honey.”
    Steve had never called her honey. But Korrine tried not to over think the endearment. He was just being a nice guy, like always, she figured. Steve had always showed Korrine attention, but now it just seemed different. Yet, Korrine brushed it off. Steve was a nice guy, and that’s all there was to it.
    Korrine nodded her thanks, groaning as the coffee went down her throat.
    “Mmmm…so good!” Korrine smiled.
    Steve touched Korrine’s hand. “No problem. I’m glad I can make you moan.”
    Korrine arched an eyebrow at Steve and the double entendre. He chuckled lightly and moved his hand away from Korrine’s.
    “Loosen up, Korri. I was only joking. You know me…always the joker,” Steve said moving toward the door.
    Korrine smiled. “You’re right. Thanks again for the coffee.”
    “See ya around, Korri.” Before Steve finished his exit he turned and said, “I have a heavy day today, but maybe we can have dinner tonight.”
    “Sorry, Steve. I have plans. Maybe we can do lunch in a couple of days,” Korrine replied.
    “Sure, in a couple of days. No problem,” he told her with a forced smile.
    Korrine thought the exchange was weird, but she was tired and assumed that Steve was only being helpful. She really did need to loosen up. She was doing a pretty good job since she had been seeing Tony. But she had been so driven to succeed for so long, letting loose just wasn’t high on her priority list. However, that was slowly changing because of her “superman.”
    Korrine gave him the nickname one night after a dinner. She told him he was looking at her like he had x-ray vision. When they got to his place that night, he manhandled her like he indeed had super powers. He lifted her and tossed her around like she weighed nothing, and he made her orgasm so hard she thought she was flying….Yes; superman was a fitting nickname for

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