Desert Assassin

Read Online Desert Assassin by Don Drewniak - Free Book Online

Book: Desert Assassin by Don Drewniak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Don Drewniak
understand you are following the General’s orders, but working with me will be to your advantage.”
    “I am under the command of the General.”
    “If you refuse, I will ‘recruit’ Lieutenant Henderson.”
    At that moment, Williams considered attempting to kill Morgan then and there, but thought better of it.
    “What do you want?”
    “You can remain under the command of the General, but I want you with me as we follow the creature. Now, what can you add?”
    “Leave Henderson and Ling alone.”
    “The General can send them out of here immediately. If they stay, they will be left alone to do anything they want. No one will interfere. You have my word.”
    “I have no idea what your word is worth.”
    “As much as the General despises me, he will confirm that I keep my word. I rarely give it, but when I do, I honor it. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be where I am.”
    Williams shared enough to believe he satisfied Morgan. One thing he kept to himself was the theory that the Assassin might be able to reproduce asexually. Following a series of questions from Morgan related to what Williams thought the Assassin’s ultimate capabilities could become, he held up an empty glass. Williams refilled it.
    Morgan took a small sip. “In addition to the helicopter I have here, I have six more outside the fence, each with six men – my best. Anything we will need can be brought in immediately. Two supply vehicles are being readied. The entire air space from here to the mountains is restricted.
    “Does the restriction include the General?”
    “No, he can use his chopper and bring along anyone he wants. He will have full access to our supplies. You will fly with me. I’m going back to my camp along with the men who came with me. None will be back here unless the alien heads this way. I will see you at six hundred hours. You will have all the weaponry you need. One final thing; I know you have to report back to the General. Tell him whatever you want.”
    Ten minutes later, Morgan was airborne.
    As soon as Williams entered the van, the General summoned Ling and Henderson. All four remained silent as Williams shared his conversation with Morgan. When he finished, the General said, “Nicely done, Bill. Thank you.” He turned to Ling and asked, “Stay or leave?”
    “Lieutenant, stay or leave?”
    “Jim and four soldiers will go with me. The two of you will remain here.” Looking at Ling, he said, “Major, Lieutenant Henderson will man the van overnight. I want you to find Lieutenant Martin immediately. Have him pull his soldiers from the barrier and get them back here. Get whatever weapons you want from him. Keep this area secured. You are in full command in my absence.”
    During his time in the Air Force, Ling had free reign to pursue his life’s work – astrophysics. His military career was a secondary consideration. The General’s last sentence changed that. At that moment, Ling became first and foremost an Air Force officer.
    First Lieutenant Martin was standing with four soldiers in the tent area. All were trying to make sense of the landing of the helicopters. Ling approached the group. Salutes exchanged, Ling dismissed the soldiers. He instructed Martin to order the two soldiers on duty within the barrier to return immediately and to make securing the complex the top priority. Finally, he listed the weapons he wanted delivered to the van.
    Upon his return, Henderson immediately asked Ling, “Who is this Morgan?”
    “I don’t know, but he obviously wields a great amount of power.”
    He looked at her and thought she shouldn’t be there, but she was. Vowing that he would do whatever it took to keep her safe, he said, “Don’t worry, Alice, everything will turn out okay.”
    “Damn,” he thought as soon as the words came out, “I didn’t sound very convincing.”
    He walked slowly toward her with the intention of giving her a brief hug of assurance. Five, ten, fifteen seconds

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