Desecrated Beauty (Twisted Fairy Tales #1)

Read Online Desecrated Beauty (Twisted Fairy Tales #1) by Kyleigh Castronaro - Free Book Online

Book: Desecrated Beauty (Twisted Fairy Tales #1) by Kyleigh Castronaro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyleigh Castronaro
damn rules to ensure tranquility.
    “Unless you don’t want to. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do here. That’s not how it works here.”
    “No, I’ll sleep. You’re right… I want to wake up refreshed, start my new life.” She smiled tightly and Quill nodded in response, moving to the door.
    The sisterhood they had once felt was fractured now by a despotic father and years of living totally separated lives guided by different ideologies. She hoped Rose lived a good life from now on. This was the best she could offer for the rest of her life, it wouldn’t be enough to make up for the last 5 years, but it was a start.
    Quill was going to pay for it for the rest of her life.

    30 hours wasn’t a lot of time when you thought about it and tried to put everything that was important to you into those 30 hours. In fact, 30 hours went by quickly… Or they would for someone who would spend most of them with loved ones, saying goodbye, giving out hugs and reminiscing about things that they might never talk about again.
    Not for Quill though. She left her sister, still angry about the thoughtless things she had said before she left. It wasn’t how she wanted to remember her sister and she was confident in time she wouldn’t. But the words kept playing in her head on a loop and she just couldn’t shut them off.
    She went through what she’d seen and overheard at the auction house with both Striker and Orion present. She gave them all the details and facts she could, hoping they could come up with an operation that might just free up the people who were being sold as slaves. When she finished she left on the pretence of having to sleep, but Orion followed.
    He was worried about the scratches up and down her back and chest. He wanted her to go and see Doc about those and the limp in her left leg. She told him she was fine. The way she figured she was probably going to her death tonight anyway so she might as well go half-broken to help the job. Besides, Doc needed all the supplies they had for people who would actually be around to help their cause.
    When she insisted she was fine and she was just going to go to bed Orion then insisted she come and sleep in his. He knew she had a shoddy couch and her sister was probably already curled on it.
    “Listen, I’m all right okay? I don’t need you to take care of me. I never have. I don’t want this.” She pointed between them, “I don’t want a guy waiting on my every breath and worrying about whether I’m going to be alright because it’s not his job. I didn’t ask for this so stop trying to force it on me.”
    He looked like she’d slapped him across the face before proceeding to knee him in the balls.
    “It was fun.” She tapped his chest feeling like a jerk for such a cop-out type statement, “but that’s all it was supposed to be Orion: fun.”
    “Fun.” He repeated back to her in a broken voice.
    “I’m sorry; I’m not that girl.” She didn’t wait for his answer as she turned and walked away, tucking her hands into the pocket of her jacket as she made her way through the command center and back outside. He and Striker thought she was going back to the compound, but she was going around the wall. She was going to find this house of his she was supposed to go to in 25 more hours and surprise him. She wanted to see before he had the chance to pretty it up, what she was getting herself into.
    She regretted her decision as soon as she got started walking away from the camp. She was exhausted and her body ached in ways that felt unnatural. Stubborn resolve was the only thing that forced her onwards, staying low under the cover of the trees and bushes that lined the outside of the city walls. In the time since the blood baths the wilderness, cut off from the bustle of the city, had grown so wild and overrun that it appeared just as uncivilised as the Pures preached it was.
    A bush snagged her jeans and she tripped slightly,

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