Demons Forever (Peachville High Demons #6)

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Book: Demons Forever (Peachville High Demons #6) by Sarra Cannon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarra Cannon
just as he took solid form. I reformed beside him and swung the large sword toward his legs. He jumped, my weapon barely missing him. Before I could recover, his spear came down hard beside my foot.
    "Better," he said.
    Better, but not good enough. I knew that if he'd wanted to, he could have killed me half a dozen times already.
    Frustrated, I stood up and stepped back. I suddenly wanted to beat him. I wanted him to know he couldn't avoid me for weeks on end and then waltz in here like nothing was wrong.
    He moved to pick up his spear and I attacked. I surged forward, half-human, half-demon, sword raised. The tip of my weapon slid across the flesh of his arm as I flew past. Triumphant, I stopped and turned back to see his expression.
    Only, he was gone.
    I turned my head from side-to-side, searching for him. Energy hummed above my head and I looked up as he descended from above. From the tips of his fingers, coils of demon smoke extended, then wrapped around my body like ropes. I dropped my sword and struggled against the bindings.
    Humiliation and fury ripped through me. I couldn't do this. "Fine, I'm not good enough," I said. "Are you happy now? Just let me go."
    The king stepped in front of me, eyes meeting mine. "That's truly what you believe, isn't it?" he asked. "So, what? You're just going to give up?"
    The fears and frustrations of the past couple months fell upon my shoulders like a shroud. When I'd first come here, he'd promised to answer all my questions.
    Later .
    But instead of opening up to me, he'd grown more and more distant. As time stretched on, he seemed to find new excuses for staying away. I knew his search for Gregory and for information about the Order's plans was important, but wasn't I important too? Couldn't he set aside even one or two hours of non-fighting time to hang out with me?
    I had completely lost my patience.
    I drew into myself, bending over and pulling my arms tight to my chest. With one swift and powerful movement, I raised up. The vaporous rope that held me broke apart, and I was free. Blue flames roared on the tips of my fingers. I pushed my palms out toward where my father stood and flames flashed across the floor, rising up to trap him inside a cage made of fire.
    I staggered backward, gasping for air. I'd manipulated fire with my witch's magic before, but this was different. I had no idea I could do something like that with my demon magic. I dropped my hands and the fire dissipated. I stared down at them, trembling.
    My father crossed the room and waited until I lifted my eyes to his.
    "Everything you think you are. Everything you believe you're capable of," he said, his eyes dancing with life. "You've just barely scratched the surface."

Where We're Headed
    A cool evening breeze blew my hair back off my shoulders.
    I stood on my third floor balcony looking out over the garden behind the castle. My mother's beloved white roses swayed in the wind. I wished she were here now. Maybe she could explain to me why my father was the way he was. Why he closed up so fast and was so afraid of getting close to anyone.
    Behind me, familiar footsteps brought a smile to my face. I didn't turn around. I just waited for his strong arms to circle my waist. When they finally did, I closed my eyes and leaned against him.
    "How did it go?" Jackson asked. His warm breath caressed my neck.
    I didn't even know how to answer. There was so much I still hadn't worked through. "We fought with weapons," I said.
    Jackson pulled away and came up beside me, his eyes wide. "He really sparred with you?" he asked. "Didn't you guys talk at all?"
    "Yes, and we sort of argued," I said, frowning. "I think. He's a difficult man to understand."
    "Maybe that's because he's not a man," Jackson said. He raised an eyebrow. "Did you kick his ass?"
    I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed his shoulder, not even sure how to answer that.
    "Well, did you?" he insisted.
    "It was weird," I said, searching for the words to explain

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