Demon Soul

Read Online Demon Soul by Christine Ashworth - Free Book Online

Book: Demon Soul by Christine Ashworth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Ashworth
Tags: Romance
hand cooling the burn, his eyes grave. "I had it under control. You should have had more faith in me."
    She shook her head. "You don't understand. I wanted its death. I wanted it, so desperately." Rose didn't recognize the voice that came out of her. She put a hand up to her throat and kept her eyes fixed on Gabriel. "A part of me thrilled to hear the crack of the neck breaking. Kind of a dark glee, you know? And that totally shocked me."
    "That's being a demon for you." Gabriel smoothed her shirt down and stood, a frown darkening his eyes to slate. "You need to go inside before Satine gets here. Get some witch-hazel, Justin’s bound to have some, and wash those wounds down. I’ll be in as soon as it’s safe to help you.”
    "I would have killed him to protect you." Rose tilted her head to keep the eye contact between them. "I would have done anything to protect you. You are why I’m alive at this point.  But you killed him for me. Again."
    Impatience and regret passed over Gabriel's face. "Yeah. Had to. You shouldn't have watched. Now, would you go inside before all hell breaks loose out here? Again?"
    Rose considered it. Shook her head.  "No. Not unless you come with me. Come inside, bandage my wounds, and tell me all about Satine. Please."
    "This isn't the time for a chat."
    The scent of lilies washed over them.
    "Do tell the little girl all about Satine," the vampire purred, startling them both.
    Gabriel and Rose shared a glance. He shook his head, his mouth set in a grim line. Trust me, you don't want to know.
    Then he shut down. Gabriel? Don't shut me out.   "Gabriel?"
    "Rose. Go inside, now. For once." Gabriel grabbed her good arm and tugged her to the patio. "Go."
    "You do like to manhandle me," she grumbled, but Rose backed toward the glass doors. Prudence had her opening them and stepping into the house, but still she protested. "I need to meet the bitch who has the bigger part of your soul. You need to let me." The thought brought a scowl to her face.
    He gave a bark of laughter. "She's nobody," he said as Satine appeared at the foot of the fallen demon. Rose watched, fascinated, as he corrected to keep Satine in front of him and Rose to his back. "She stole my soul because she doesn't have one of her own." 
    "You are being less than polite, Gabriel," Satine chided him, but her interest had focused, laser-like, on the girl. "Come out, come out little girl. Let's see what you're made of."
    The voice was familiar. Rose frowned, trying to remember.
    Gabriel's voice rumbled, interrupting her concentration. "Don't do it, Rose. Stay where you are. She can't get in unless you invite her, and trust me, that never ends well."
    "I've read vampire books, Gabriel. Don't treat me like a child," she snapped. Rose took a step away from the safety of the house, then another one.
    "Not all the books get it right," he murmured. "Artistic license."
    Rose shrugged. How could she help him if she didn’t face what she’d be up against? "I need to see her. If this is the day for fairy tales to come true, then the nightmares should come true, too." She moved to one side of Gabriel and studied the vampire.
    Satine stood on the grass by the pool dressed in four-inch gladiator heels, a bustier in stark black framing her full breasts, and lace boy shorts riding low on her pale hips. Her blood-red hair fell in a curling mass to her waist and her makeup was Hollywood perfect.  She exuded a pale red light, and underneath the cloying scent of lilies Rose could smell death.
    By contrast Rose felt too thin, too plain to play in Satine's sandbox. Rose's eyes narrowed. She took another small step toward Satine, battle-ready even as horrified recognition balled in her belly.
    "That's right, little girl. Come on out and let's play, shall we?" Satine cooed.
    Rose touched Gabriel briefly; the coolness of his skin, or perhaps it was the energy that passed between them, sparked the golden aura around her.
    "Oooh, don't you look tasty with your

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