Demigod Down
nodded, falling back into his chair,
seeing nothing.
    “You are a monster!” Lorrain threw at Logan
before marching out of the room.
    I blew out a breath. Well this was going to
shit. We needed her for the rest of this arbitration and I really
wanted to get Jezebel taken care of sooner rather than later.
However, I couldn’t kill her here and not suffer some blow back.
Human beings, as Loraine demonstrated perfectly, didn’t
    “Gentleman, perhaps a break is in order?”
Grams stated, closing her organizer.
    The two at the end nodded. “Give us time to
get cookies.” The tall one said trying to break the thick
    “I prefer chocolate chip,” I said with a
smile. They nodded before heading out.
    I sighed, “You guys good staying here?” I
asked Grams, Ali, and Grant.
    “You are going with them?” Ali asked
    I nodded. I began this arbitration and I
would see it through.
    Logan adjusted his suit. “You aren’t needed,”
he informed me, brushing lint off his sleeve.
    “Yes, she is,” Jay said softly. “She is the
only one willing to see to the heart of the matter.” He moved
towards the doors.
    “You need to hurry,” Grant warned, his eye
out of focus. “The dead are gathering and she isn’t strong enough
to stop a possession.” Did I mention Grant was from a long line of
Gypsies? His skills scared the shit out of me.
    I nodded, turning to usher Jezebel out to the

    Covered parking was a brilliant idea in the
heat of the summer when steering wheel temperatures could melt
nails off. Grunting, I slid into my SUV with Dean, Jay, Jezebel,
and Logan riding shot gun.
    I hesitated, fiddling with the AC before
asking, “Is there some place in particular you wanted to go?”
    I took my answer from the silence, having
already decided where I would want to go.
    Ninety minutes later, we pulled up at the
Shifter Cemetery where Logan’s grandfather was buried.
    “You come here often?” Logan asked me as we
climbed out of the cool AC and back into the midday heat and
    “Sometimes,” I answered “the dead make great
listeners.” I said, closing my door heading into the shade of the
    I don’t know why I didn’t stop walking until
I reached the grave I knew well, but I did once I got there.
    Jezebel knelt on the soft grass as Logan
moved behind her, his eyes locked onto the back of her head.
    “Are you ready?” I asked softly.
    Jezebel lifted her tear-stained face to look
at Jay, “I’m sorry,” she said before bowing her head once
    I took Jay’s hand and he squeezed it
painfully. Logan’s eyes met my own and I nodded.
    Reaching down, his hands were quick, fast,
and efficient. The bones in her neck broke instantly, separating
from her shoulders, falling forward and lifelessly onto the
    Jay rushed to her, brushing her dark hair
back on a head that didn’t quite line up with her body anymore.
Logan came to stand beside me.
    We both turned, hearing another vehicle in
the gravel drive.
    “We made arrangements on our way out here.”
Dean said, softly staring at Jezebel’s dead body.
    I moved to Dean, resting a hand against his
forearm. “If you need anything, please let me know.”
    He nodded, meeting my dry gaze with his moist
one. Turning I pulled Logan behind me passing the other clan
members with a simple nod before loading back into my SUV.
    I could feel Logan’s hatred before we pulled
out of the driveway. “I had to do it,” I said softly.
    “I hate it,” he growled.
    I sighed, letting out a deep exhale before I
answered. “I know, but we have to keep them safe.”
    He scoffed at my openness. “You seem to enjoy
    “Keep telling yourself that.” I answered,
wishing Blake was here.
    On cue, the SUV’s Bluetooth system began to
ring and Blake’s name flashed on the center panel.
    I hit answer, not caring that Logan was in
the car. “Hi!” I greeted him, happy for the distraction.
    “Hey babe, you doing okay?”

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