Demanded by Him (Wanted Series #3)

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Book: Demanded by Him (Wanted Series #3) by Hazel Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hazel Kelly
babbling idiot?”
    I smiled. “No,” I said, crossing my leg towards him. “I think
you’re sweet.”
    He raised his eyebrows.
    “And yes, I’m as surprised by that as you are.”
    He smiled. “You have any secret children you want to come clean
    “Now would be the time, wouldn’t it?”
    “I’m afraid not. Maybe if I’d spent more time as a groupie-”
    He laughed.
    “But I don’t think I’m the maternal type.”
    “Really?” he asked. “I think you’d be a great mom.”
    I shook my head. “I wouldn’t. I’m too selfish and too obsessed
with micro-managing other people.”
    “You were pretty generous last night.”
    I rolled my eyes.
    “And easy going.”
    “Yeah, well, I was trying to impress a guy.”
    “I see.” He leaned back in his chair. “Any idea if it worked?”
    I shrugged. “I have no idea, but I had a good time.”
    “That’s good.”
    The tubby nurse walked right up to us. “Mr. Jones?”
    “Yes,” he asked, standing up. “Do you have news about Sophie?”
    “She’s still unresponsive,” the nurse said. “But she’s stable so
the doctors have said you can come in and see her for a few minutes.”
    His shoulders dropped several inches. “Okay, great.” He nodded
at me.
    I stood up.
    “Are you family?” the nurse asked, turning to me.
    Wyatt said yes at the same time I said no.
    The nurse squinted between us.
    “Not exactly,” Wyatt admitted.
    “Right,” the nurse said, tilting her head at me. “In that case,
if you wouldn’t mind waiting here-”
    Wyatt looked at me, his mouth twisted in distress.
    “That’s fine,” I said, sweeping my hand down the back of his arm.
“You go in. I’ll wait here.”
    He leaned toward me and pressed his cheek to mine. “Thanks.”
    “Right this way,” the nurse said, turning on her heels.
    I sank back into my chair and watched him disappear through the
grey double doors, wishing the nurse had come two seconds later. That way, he
might’ve admitted whether or not I impressed him, which I was dying to know.
    Especially since he was seeming more like a guy worth impressing
all the time.

Chapter 13: Wyatt
    I felt like the nurse in front of me was moving in slow motion.
    Could she seriously not go any faster?
    She was a perfect example of why I always ate one less donut
than I wanted.
    Speaking of nervous eating, thank god for that Snickers bar.
    And Addison.
    What had we been talking about?
    As I willed the nurse to walk faster, I thought of her sitting
in the waiting room. What the fuck was she doing here? I had totally kidnapped
her… and opened up a can of guess who’s a big fat liar?!
    It was nice of her to bring me food anyway.
    Eventually, the nurse turned down a hallway where the walls were
made of sliding plastic curtains. I thought I was going to throw up when she
stopped in front of one.
    “It’s in Sophie’s best interest if you stay calm,” she said, sliding
the curtain to the side as she kept her eyes on me.
    My eyes went right to Sophie’s face. She was sleeping like an
angel, an angel hooked up to tubes. And something roiled in my gut when I saw
that her bed was on wheels. Shouldn’t I have to sign something if my little
girl was in a bed on wheels? Were they even allowed to move her around without
telling me? Where would they need to take her so fast?
    I was beside her in two steps, squatting down and making her
little hand disappear in mine.
    Her fingers didn’t move. They didn’t grasp my hand or clap to
see me or reach for a hug. They were completely lifeless, as if they were
nothing more than an exhibit in a wax museum.
    “When is she supposed to wake up?” I asked.
    “The sooner the better,” the nurse said, closing the curtain
behind her and stepping up to the end of the bed.
    I smoothed Sophie’s thin blond hair against her head. “What does
that mean?”
    “We’re doing everything we can, Mr. Jones.”
    “Can you answer me in something other than a

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