Deliverance (The Maverick Defense #1)

Read Online Deliverance (The Maverick Defense #1) by L.A. Cotton, Jenny Siegel - Free Book Online

Book: Deliverance (The Maverick Defense #1) by L.A. Cotton, Jenny Siegel Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.A. Cotton, Jenny Siegel
Tags: Book 1, The Maverick Defense Series
and Joy? My beautiful, pure, delicate Joy with Donnie. The same Donnie who had hated his family’s connection, his uncle’s business. The same Donnie who was forever telling me to follow the rules and keep out of trouble. The same Donnie who got shy whenever a girl spoke to him. No way.
    “With you?”
    “She’s my girl,” he sneered, and I wanted nothing more than to wipe that sleazy grin off his face.
    “What the fuck? Your girl? Why would you let her dance on the stage like some whore?” I glared down at him. Anger blazed brighter in his eyes, and I wondered where the guy I once knew had gone.
    “I can do whatever the fuck I want. I’m the one running this town. Joy.” He snapped his fingers and held out his hand, never once taking his eyes off me.
    “I’m sorry, Dawson,” she whispered before the heat from her body disappeared as she emerged from behind me and took his hand. The triumphant look on his face was worse than the sleazy grin.
    “A lot has changed since you were last here, Dawson. Do everyone a favor and go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.” I bristled at the possessive glint in his eye as his arm slid around Joy’s waist and he tugged her closer. And because I couldn’t take my eyes off her, I saw the shiver that passed through her body. Coupled with the look on her face, I knew she didn’t want him touching her. It did something to me, watching him with her, treating her like that. Like a piece of meat. He was going to make her dance, to belittle herself. And for what? His entertainment.
    I lost it.
    “You fucking slimy piece of sh-” I pulled my fist back and swung at him, wanting the satisfaction of hearing my fist connect with his face. Of busting his nose wide open and seeing the blood splatter on his cheap-as-fuck suit. Soil the white shirt he was wearing. But I was pulled backward at the waist before any of that could happen.
    “Leave it, Dawson,” Lex said in a hushed voice in my ear. His tone flat and deadly serious. I knew that tone. He’d used it on me too often, trying to calm me down and talk me out of beating the shit out of someone. He hooked an arm around my shoulder and pulled me away.
    “Troy. Barkley.” Donnie clicked his fingers at the two men standing just behind him. “See Mr. Spencer, his brother, and friend out.” He gave me one last long look before he turned, his arm still around Joy, and walked away through the club. With a ramrod straight spine, she went with him and didn’t even turn around as she walked away from me.
    The two heavies stepped forward as I shrugged off Lex’s arm and marched toward the entrance. I kicked open the door with the sole of my foot and got some satisfaction when it smashed off the wall behind and splintered at the hinge. They waited until we were outside.
    “And don’t bother coming back.” One pointed his finger at us and Lex burst out laughing.
    “Yeah, like being banned from here is the worst thing in the world. You’re doing us a favor,” he shouted as the door slammed shut.
    I started to pace. I couldn’t stand still. My brain scrambled to keep up with what I had witnessed. Mikey and Lex watched as I paced back and forth in front of Shakers. I kicked an empty bottle propped up on the curb. It shattered against the wall, but it did little to ease my rage.
    “Dawson,” Lex shouted, but I waved him away. “Dawson, man, calm the fuck down.” I stopped in front of him and he laid his hands on my shoulders.
    “I can’t believe it, Joy with Donnie.”
    “Told you we shouldn’t have come here,” Mikey muttered from where he was leaning against the wall. I moved to stand in front of him.
    “You knew,” I gasped as it all started to make sense. “You knew about Donnie and Joy, and you never said anything.” His dipped head and his refusal to look at me were confirmation enough. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
    “It wasn’t my place to say.”
    “Not your place? I’m your brother.” I shook my head

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