Deidre's Death (#2, Rhyn Eternal)
hand. Dressed in a
mock turtleneck of some expensive fabric and slacks, the seated
Immortal was relaxed and bright-eyed, despite accompanying them on
the hunt that led them to the meat locker a couple of hours ago.
Gabriel was envious of how refreshed the Immortal managed to appear
without sleep.
    Andre’s calming magic had an effect even on
deities. The tension melted from Gabriel’s shoulders as he sat on
the settee across from Andre.
    “Good morning, Andre,” Gabriel said then
tossed his head towards the door. Landon took the hint and
    “Were you pleased by our rather gruesome
discovery?” Andre asked.
    “Yeah,” Gabriel said with a snort. “We
rescued three hundred souls. I’m grateful, Andre.”
    “It’s what I do.” Andre dismissed the praise
with an easy smile. “I’m afraid I have no good news on the other
front. I visited dear Tamer and spent most of the day with him and
his records. I didn’t know he had such an extensive library. I plan
on returning to see what my brother is doing with all those
histories he’s not sharing.”
    Gabriel hid a smile, hearing the
gruff-but-gentle disapproval of an older brother in Andre’s voice.
Gabriel knew the secrets of all the brothers on the Council; there
were things people told Death that they never revealed to anyone
else. He was accustomed to hearing and safeguarding the secrets of
    “In any case, Tamer had no information to
share with regards to the tumor,” Andre finished. His cultured
accent made even bad news sound pleasant.
    “We may not need the information anymore,”
Gabriel said pensively. “But I can’t find Wynn to help verify. You
were able to feel the tumor in Deidre’s head the other night,
    “I was.”
    “I need you to look again.”
    Andre’s eyebrows rose. “Of course,” he
    He didn’t ask questions, which Gabriel
liked. Having played the patient sounding board to the Council
members for thousands of years, Andre was adept at discretion.
    “She’s here,” Gabriel added. “Sometime today
would be good.”
    “I will take her breakfast,” Andre said with
a smile.
    “Appreciate it.” Gabe rose. “Check in when
you’re done.”
    Andre inclined his head.
    Gabriel left for the Caribbean Sanctuary,
where the book possessed by a long dead Oracle was busy scribbling
notes about the Present. He strode to the lectern where the massive
book was perched.
    “Show me the deals past-Death and my mate
made with the Dark One within the past year.”
    Two images sprang from the pages. One he’d
seen before – that of past-Death and past-Dark One agreeing on a
deal that resulted in raising Wynn from the dead. The second was
made two nights ago, after he left Deidre in the Atlanta apartment
to help Andre research how to help her.
    The Oracle listed the complete terms, but
Gabriel was only able to see the portion concerning his domain.
Deidre had bartered for Darkyn to remove the tumor and to do so
without pain. Darkyn’s end of the deal was hidden from Gabriel, but
the deal was marked as fulfilled, according to the Oracle.
    What had she paid for this favor?
    More importantly, what was the deal that
brought past-Death back to life? What had the two Deidres traded in
order to be combined and let out of Hell? Gabriel knew Darkyn well
enough to know the demon lord would exact no small fee for these
    And yet, he couldn’t deny that Deidre was
back or at least, a woman who had the knowledge of the goddess and
the body and heart of a human. If not for the fact she was lying to
him, she would be the perfect mate.
    Gabriel rubbed his jaw.
    The terms of their deal were over. If Andre
verified there was no tumor, did it matter what she was hiding?
What could be more important than being able to spend eternity with
    Nothing was.
    The thought eased his concern without
completely removing it. Gabriel’s gaze lingered on the images
playing before him. Uneasy, he also realized he had to focus on
mopping up

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