Deep Yellow
with nano psyche technology. Instead of
detecting brain abnormalities, the swarm became a powerful drug.
The apothecary's line manager dismissed it as an unnecessary
by-product. Realising the benefits of the substance, the apothecary
manufactured it for a local crime syndicate. Expensive to create,
it soon became the must-have drug, if you could afford it. Deep
Yellow dealing and usage soon came to the notice of the Police
Corps, and it was added to the Association's list of illegal
    “The ingredients are
processed into tablet, spray, or liquid form. Whilst small liquid
ampoules are a handy size, it is not as powerful as the distilled
bottled version. Two years of room temperature storage is the
optimum time for the best vintage, as the menu option gives a
fuller visual and physical experience. Serious users have their own
menu options, created by skilled chemists for various
visualisations of the darker aspects of life and death. Those users
tell us they prefer the personal inward experience rather than
immersion in Holo Worlds." The scientist finally ended his speech,
to the relief of many in the class.
    "Quite a bit to take
in,” the instructor said, snapping the class back to the present.
“It is useful to know how the drug is created so that when you are
on a drug raid, you have an idea of what to look for. It could be
you find bottles of the stuff, under floorboards, where it has been
left to ferment. Read your holo assignments for more information,
in particular the clips of real drugs raids taking place and the
Corps anti- drug school programmes which you will be involved
    Brell sat down on the
bed, back against the wall. She was probably the subject of an
anti-drug case study. Fresh faced Police Corps recruits would be
warning school students about the dangers of Deep Yellow and the
damage it can do to a career.
    Of course, nothing
could beat that first hit, the first immersion into oblivion. And
all because of a couple of lazy detectives in an old dwelling
    She was working on a
busy inner precinct within the capital city of Velen Two. Newly
promoted to sergeant, Brell found herself in charge of a small team
of uniform and detective officers. Her stress implants worked
overtime as everyone expected her to make decisions and get things
done. Comms control were constantly calling her up, other sergeants
were ducking their responsibilities, and her team was difficult to
manage. In particular, two grouchy lazy detectives, who did not
like to be supervised. She had worked the last three months with
few days off. Local crime problems and visits by dignitaries meant
that leave was constantly cancelled. No wonder the previous
sergeant had moved on for a quieter life. Intox often became the
sleep aid of choice.
    Brell’s team were
tasked with searching a large, decrepit block building used by
members of a local criminal gang. Nothing sold, virtual or real
without it going through this particular group. After a tip-off,
they had been arrested that morning by the Laser Tactical and
Technical Arrest Unit. Some of the unit hid themselves in an
underground storage unit, whilst others dressed as staff. When the
gang opened the unit door, instead of finding a cache of credit
receiver units, they were at the receiving end of laser strikes and
vacuum bombies. When the dust settled, a Corpswoman had been
vaporised and three gang members were lying in bits. The remainder
of the gang were netted and taken to HQ for processing.
    Despite the moaning
from her team, Brell would not enter the building until it was
scanned and sniffed. Both detectives munched wormweed whilst
rolling their eyes. Once inside, Brell’s team methodically searched
each room whilst the holo assistants logged evidence. Various
stashes of intox, chips, Deep Yellow, MK, and other drugs were
discovered, but after the first sweep, Brell was not satisfied.
    "There is more here,
these are just a few stashes to put us off the big

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