Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I
now,” Tariq said tartly. “I was pissed off to find you hovering over her.
It had nothing to do with being rattled.”
    Koryn grinned. “If you say so. As much as I’d enjoy staying to
watch, I think I’ll just take my leave now and let you handle this.
The lab calls.”
    “ Coward,” Tariq murmured with amusement.
    Koryn flicked a rude gesture at him as
he headed out, but he didn’t turn around.
    Tariq studied Emerald ruefully when
Koryn had departed. She glared at him and finally turned a
disdainful shoulder in his direction and settled her head against
the back of the chair.
    “ You aren’t sleeping in
that chair,” he said grimly.
    Emerald stiffened, but she didn’t
otherwise acknowledge his comment.
    Shaking his head, he returned to the
dispenser for another glass of wine for himself and one for her.
She stared at him when he settled in the chair beside her and
offered her the glass. “It’s wine,” he said dryly.
    “ I had soup.”
    “ And now you’ll have
    Her jaw tightened but after a long
moment, she took the glass. “Somehow I doubt this is part of my
diet,” she muttered under her breath. “Maybe it’ll kill
    She discovered Tariq was staring at
her stony faced when she glanced at him again, his eyes blazing
with anger. “I hadn’t taken you for a coward,” he said
    The dart struck home. “I’m not,” she
said tightly, “but there are some battles you can’t win and the
only option is … a strategic retreat.”
    “ It’s never wise to
announce your battle plans to the enemy,” Tariq said coolly.
Setting his half empty glass down, he took hers from her hand and
set it down on the table, as well. She resisted when he caught her
hand and drew her toward him—for all the good it did. An all out
battle wouldn’t have stopped him, although it might have saved
    She decided an appearance of
compliance was a better battle strategy at the moment, however,
since she had nothing to gain by trying anything else and a lot to
lose. She yielded to his determination, getting up and moving to
him. He pulled her down on his lap, adjusting her more to suit
himself than for her comfort. For many moments after he’d cradled
her against his chest, he merely stared at her.
    She wondered what was going through
his mind. He didn’t seem angry that she’d defied him, even briefly,
or complacent that she’d yielded. He didn’t even seem particularly
aroused, although she could feel the evidence of sexual interest
against her hip. She flinched instinctively when he lifted his free
hand toward her face. He hesitated fractionally and then completed
the move, stroking a hand lightly along the hair at her temple and
then downward to grasp the lock hanging across her breast. Lifting
it, he rubbed his fingers back and forth over the strands and
finally brought the lock to his nose and sniffed it.
    Emerald stared at him curiously,
wondering what he’d expected her hair smell like. Different in some
way than his own she supposed, but she’d used the soap they
supplied her with and had to suppose it was what they all used. She
emerged from her introspection when he leaned closer. His hair
tickled her face as he brushed the tip of his nose and then his
lips along her throat, dragging in a deep breath.
    It aroused him—her scent. She felt his
cock grow thicker and harder against her hip. Her belly clenched in
reaction. Her skin pebbled as he expelled the breath he’d inhaled
and it wafted along her skin, making her nipples tighten in
reaction. By the time he’d brushed his face along her cheek to her
temple, a deep quivering had begun inside of her and her skin felt
flushed all over. He lifted his head to meet her gaze as he reached
for the sheet she had clasped tightly to her breasts.
    Briefly, she resisted his tug and then
yielded as she had when he’d issued the wordless command to come to
him. He lowered his gaze to her breasts as he dragged the sheet to
her waist. She

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