Debra Kay Leland

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Book: Debra Kay Leland by From Whence Came A Stranger... Read Free Book Online
Authors: From Whence Came A Stranger...
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that I care for thee?!”
    She didn’t answer, though he knew she’d heard him full well as he sighed.  “Ye don’t even know me, Miranda—if ye would just spend a little time with me…”
    He frowned as he watched her walk stiffly in front of him.  “I would be good to ye, lass.  But ye are too much of a child to even see it!”
    She walked even faster as if purposefully trying to get away from his words.  “I do not love ye, Egan, I have told ye that.”
    “Ye would learn to love me.”
    She turned then and pointed towards the village.  “There are many a lass that would be eager to be yur bride!  Ye know full well that Shannah has eyes for thee; yet ye press me! ”
    He sighed again glancing behind him as he tried to keep his voice low, “I do not wish for just any lass; I want ye, Miranda.”
    She turned away stiffly.  “Go!  I do not wish to speak of it further!”
    He looked at her with narrowed eyes knowing he’d said more than he’d intended to; and knowing that she could very well refuse to let him even speak to her at all if she chose to do so.  He drew a long breath and frowned at her with angry eyes; then dropped his head for a moment as if to calm himself before he stepped up meeting her gaze intently, lowering his voice to a insistent whisper as he spoke the words he’d chosen carefully, not willing to give her reason to push him any farther way.  “…Very well, I shall be patient with ye yet a little longer, but—tell yur da that he is a fool to risk his daughter like this...”   He threw a glance over his shoulder at the men in the cart behind them, then he drew a long sigh and looked to her again.  “…Good day to ye, lass.  Ye can see yur da’s hut from here, so I shall leave ye, but tell Alden that it ‘tis not good for the English to come here.”   He nodded stiffly to her; then turned hastily, pausing just long enough to stop and glare at the two men seated on the cart before strode away with long angry steps.
    She waited for a moment, then took a deep breath and turned towards the farm again; not bothering to say a word to the two men behind her.
    Neither Egan nor the girl had seen Phillip’s hand on his friend’s sword arm restraining him as he listened to the man’s angry words to her.  He frowned hard and flicked the reins then glanced at Phillip; his voice no more than a low rumble.  “ If— he had dared to even touch her once, I swear he would be missing a hand this day…”
    Phillip knew it was true, he could see it in his eyes.  He glanced towards the village, then to his friend again wondering just how close they had come to bloodshed this day…
    M iranda walked stiffly the rest of the way, knowing all the while that the men behind her had heard Egan’s words to her.  In truth, she was more worried to be alone with him than the two strangers that followed her now.  Egan knew no fear, he was a man of battle—but not the kind man to have as a husband, though in his mind he was sure he was right for her.  Thankfully, her father was one of the elders of the village and none would go against him, not even Egan Wallace and for that she was thankful!  But yet she worried, knowing there were ways the man could force a girl’s hand into marriage; ways that sent cold chills down her spine…  For if he found her alone and took her with him even if it be by force, her da would have no choice but to allow the marriage between the two.  But she didn’t think that even Egan was cruel enough to force her hand in such a way—or so she prayed.
    Her father came from the little hut and smiled, raising a hand to greet them.  “Good day to ye, English, I hope ye did not find trouble this day?”
    William stopped the cart and climbed down glancing at Miranda as she retreated to the hut without a word.  He knew how very upset she was, but he also knew that it was not his place to say a thing about it.  He turned his gaze back to his

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