Deadly Election (9781101619223)

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Book: Deadly Election (9781101619223) by J. R. Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. R. Roberts
enthusiastically. “You got yourself a helluva cook there, Clint.”
    “I know it.”
    Gryder and Carla were eating in silence, even though Clint felt his campaign manager had a lot he wanted to talk about.
    Heck had brought one carpetbag of belongings with him, and it was on the floor by the front door. They were finishing up their feast when Julius, the butler, walked in.
    “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived, sir—” he started, but Clint cut him off.
    “That’s all right, Julius,” Clint said. “This is Deputy Marshal Heck Thomas. He’s going to be staying with us for a while. Get him settled in a comfortable room. His bag is by the front door.”
    “Very good, sir.”
    “Hey, wait a second there, pardner,” Heck said, standing up. “I’ll come along with ya.” He looked at Clint. “I’m kinda tired. Guess I’ll see you in the mornin’.”
    “Okay, Heck. Good night.”
    He nodded and said, “Night, folks,” to Carla and Gryder.
    “Good night,” Carla said.
    Gryder just nodded.
    Heck left the room with Julius. They heard them talking in the front room, Heck telling Julius he’d carry his own bag. And then they went upstairs.
    “We need to talk about tonight,” Gryder said.
    “You could’ve talked in front of Heck.”
    “Clint, I don’t even want to talk in front of Carla.”
    “That’s my cue to leave,” she said, standing up. “Gentlemen, I’ll see you in the morning.”
    “Let me see you home, Carla,” Clint said.
    “That’s okay,” Gryder said. “There’s a coach and driver waiting out front to take her.”
    She waggled her fingers at them and walked out. They heard the door open and close, and then the sound of a horse pulling away.
    Mrs. Bigelow came out of the kitchen.
    “I have to clean up.”
    “Can you do that later, Mrs. Bigelow?” Gryder asked.
    “I cannot,” she said. “Later I’ll have to make breakfast. I won’t have time to clean up.”
    “Let’s go in the other room, Will,” Clint said, “and let the lady clean up.”
    “Yeah, okay.”
    They stood up and walked into the living room.
    “You want another brandy?” Clint asked.
    Clint poured him one and handed it to him.
    “None for you?”
    “I hate that stuff. What’d you want to talk about?”
    “Some of the people you met tonight.”
    “Like who?”
    “Let’s sit down and go through them.”
    “Okay,” Clint said, “but I’ve got to warn you, I don’t remember too many of them.”
    “I’ll remind you of the ones you should remember,” Gryder said. “Why don’t we start with Laura?”
    “I think I can safely say,” Clint replied, “Laura’s taken care of.”
    Gryder recited a litany of names, only a few of which Clint could remember. But when Gryder went into more detail, they began to take form in his memory.
    “This is all about strategy, Clint,” Gryder finished. “You’ve got to know who the players are.”
    “Yeah, okay,” Clint said. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
    “And speaking of players, tell me about this Heck Thomas.”
    “Nothing to tell,” Clint said. “He’s a deputy marshal, and he’s my friend. I asked him to come watch my back.”
    “And you do that wherever you go?” Gryder asked. “Have somebody watch your back?”
    “If I can.”
    “This Thomas, he’ll watch his manners?”
    “His manners?” Clint repeated. “I didn’t ask him to come here for his manners.”
    “No, I guess not.” Gryder had been seated on the sofa. Now he stood up. “I better be going.”
    “In the morning for Mrs. Bigelow’s breakfast?”
    “Of course. See you then.”
    Clint walked Gryder to the door. As he closed it behind him, he heard Heck coming down the stairs. The tread was too heavy for Julius.
    “That’s some butler you got,” Heck said as Clint turned to face him. Heck was wearing a gun in a shoulder holster, something he’d started doing when he was a railroad detective.
    “I don’t know him real well.”
    “Well, he

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