Deadly Beginnings

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Book: Deadly Beginnings by Jaycee Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaycee Clark
Tags: Romance
leaned in and kissed her. She could only close her eyes and feel.
    Feel so damned much.
    His mouth.
    His tongue.
    His fingers.
    She got lost in the feelings. Too many feelings, too much at once. A storm she couldn’t control.
    He slid one long finger deep into her as he did something with his mouth.
    Kaitlyn moaned and bowed.
    He hummed against her and she squirmed. He held her hip with one hand and continued to love her with his mouth. Even as his finger slid deep, then withdrew, building, building . . .
    She felt it as he added another finger and still his mouth worked her.
    “Oh, God. Jock!” she yelled and shook her head. The feelings didn’t stop. Only seemed to build a wave sliding easily against the shore, knowing a larger one was coming.
    His fingers slid in and out. Slow and steady. In and out.
    “Please. Please. Please.”
    He twisted his fingers, sucked her into his mouth and she yelled, the wave crashing over her, sucking her down, and spinning her every which way so she didn’t know what was up, down or sideways.
    His fingers gentled, his mouth slowly left her, his tongue easing.
    Kaitlyn felt weightless.
    That’s what they all talked about. She grinned and finally opened her eyes. Jock was watching her, his tongue running up her stomach now, back to her breast, to tease, to torment.
    “Oh, please,” she said, shifting.
    “My Kaitie, always in a rush.” He kissed one breast, then the other. “God, you’re tight.” He added another finger, stretching her. His thumb rubbed across a bundle of nerves and she shuddered.
    He kissed his way up her neck, finally licking across the seam of her mouth. “I don’t want to hurt you, Kaitie.”
    She cupped his face. “You’re not the kind of man who could hurt me. Break my heart, maybe, but never hurt me.”
    Again, he turned and kissed her palm.
    “Wrap your legs around me again.”
    She did, then hissed and trembled as his erection brushed against her.
    “Hurry, Jock.”
    His eyes locked with hers, so dark in the dim light coming from the hallway.
    He settled against her, reaching between them to guide himself inside her.
    She felt the stretch. Jock was a big man, well proportioned to his size.
    But she didn’t care. She just wanted him. Wanted more. Needed him inside her.
    “Be still,” he said softly.
    Kaitlyn stilled.
    “Look at me, Kaitie.” His deep voice graveled across her nerves, making her tremble.
    “Jock, please.”
    Her eyes locked with his again. He waited, looking at her, his eyes scanning her face.
    She felt him press deeper, winced and hissed at the sharp sting of pain as he thrust hard.
    Kaitlyn held her breath, her eyes locked to him.
    “Kaitie,” he said softly. Then he grasped her hand, linking their fingers. “My Kaitie.”
    She could only stare at him as he stayed still, staring at her.
    “Baby, breathe,” he whispered. Then, “Oh, God. I hurt you, I—” He started to pull out.
    Kaitie pressed him deeper with her heels, held him there with her thighs and groaned, trembling again.
    She bit her bottom lip then said, “You promised me bright and beautiful. I’ve had the bright.”
    “Demanding woman.”
    “I think I saw stars before.” She smiled as she leaned up and licked a trail up his neck, tasting the salt of his skin, the tang of aftershave, just as he sank back into her.
    She moaned into his mouth as his lips stole hers, slanting over hers again. “Ah, Kaitie,” he breathed.
    She wanted him to move. “Jock.”
    He withdrew, then slowly sank into her again, all the while his eyes never leaving her face. She knew because she was watching him, her hands on his strong shoulders.
    A muscle bunched in his jaw.
    She met him when he sank into her again.
    Jock kissed her and started to move. Kaitlyn met his thrusts, wrapped her arms tightly around him as the feelings built again, harder and faster than they had the first time.
    Jock slid out. Then in. Out. In. Out. In.
    “God, Jock. Please.” She

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