Deadland Rising (Deadland Saga) (S)

Read Online Deadland Rising (Deadland Saga) (S) by Rachel Aukes - Free Book Online

Book: Deadland Rising (Deadland Saga) (S) by Rachel Aukes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Aukes
Tags: Zombies
winter hits. Every province has been charged with rebuilding the country. New Eden may be one of the smaller provinces, but we have to pull our weight, just like everyone else. Unfortunately, all we have left is the New Eden security force and part of one squadron. So, every able-bodied man will be a huge benefit to us.”
    “How’d the government contact you?” Clutch asked. “Camp Fox was on the radio every day trying to reach someone, and this is the first I’ve heard of it. We were never contacted by anyone in government—no military, no politicians, nothing.”
    Justin shook his head. “They didn’t find us by radio. They use drones to fly over the country and take pictures. They map out all survivors sites and reach out to any settlements of significant size. They said that for the longest time, they were losing more sites than they were finding. There were too many zeds spread everywhere for them to provide rescue support. It wasn’t until the migration started in Canada that they started planning Operation Redemption: eradicating the zed threat and building our new country.”
    “It’s crucial we find survivors quickly,” Charlie said. “There are so many more deadly risks besides zeds out there.”
    “Like dogs,” I said.
    “And bandits,” Vicki muttered coldly.
    Charlie nodded. “Yes, but there are even far worse threats out there, which we have no control over.”
    “Like what?” Jase asked.
    “Winter, for one,” Justin replied. “Most folks in the freeze-zones don’t know how to survive without electricity. Outside of New Eden, I expect we’ll lose many survivors this first winter to cold and starvation. Then, there’s dysentery and all the diseases that come with that. It was a miracle you made it here. Marco told me the route you took here, from the Mississippi River to Highway 20, onto I-380, and then across I-80.”
    “Yeah, so?” I asked, confused.
    “There’s a nuclear plant down between Highway 20 and I-380. Its reactor melted down last week, probably within a day after you drove through.”
    “Holy shit,” I muttered, but no one else spoke.
    “That’s probably going to happen to every nuclear power plant in the world. Without maintenance—and most of these have had no maintenance for nearly a year—it’s only a matter of time.”
    “You made it, but most won’t make it on their own. They need our help.”
    “And you have enough food to take on more?”
    Justin grimaced. “It’s not easy, but we’ll make it work. The capital has distributed rations and has promised to send more. But, we have to be able to rely only on ourselves.”
    “That’s smart,” Clutch said. “It’s never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket, especially when that basket involves politicians.”
    Justin smiled. “Marco told me a couple of you were in the military, so you may have a bit more experience with politicians than I have. I sold insurance before this. I could get you the best rates for your auto, house, or boat. I loved what I did. I went home each day knowing I was doing my best to ensure people were protected so when disaster struck, they’d be back on their feet in no time. In a way, I still have the same job, except it’s more important than ever. If we don’t get people back on their feet after this disaster, they’ll die, and we’ll never get the chance at building a new country. It’s going to take every single one of us working hard day in and day out to rebuild this world so our children can thrive. It won’t be the same world as before, and maybe that’s a good thing. But, if New Eden is a sign of things to come, it’s going to be worth it.”
    Justin was about to say more, but an armed guard stepped inside, and looked straight at him. “Thea’s looking for you.”
    Justin stood. “Duty calls. Charlie will answer any more questions you have. Please remember, you are not to attempt to leave this building under any circumstances. We don’t mess

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