Dead Radiance

Read Online Dead Radiance by T. G. Ayer - Free Book Online

Book: Dead Radiance by T. G. Ayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. G. Ayer
mean to. Can't help it if I can read upside down," I mumbled.
    He shook his head. "I had to meet my boss. The guy I'm doing the research for. The translations . . . ?" His eyebrows raised.
    "You don't owe me any explanations." I held my hands up, defending my suspicions and deflecting his reasons. I'd been out of line and all I wanted was for the discussion to end without further embarrassment.
    "Yes, I do. I can see why you were angry. I left you so suddenly and the message gave you the wrong idea. I did owe you an explanation. I'm sorry."
    Confused by his apology I shook my head. Too late to acknowledge I'd been nosy when our relationship wasn't even a legitimate one. Two kisses, no matter how heated, did not make a relationship.
    His warm fingers linked to mine and he pulled me to my feet. "What is it you want, Aidan? I'm not girlfriend material. I'm not an easy one-night stand. What's happening here? Between us?"
    "Something you and I can figure out together. And something we don't need to rush. It's nice as it is, don't you agree?"
    Our proximity was not conducive to coherent thought. I cleared my throat and asked, "So will you help me find out more about the premonitions?" But my words were more of a heated whisper.
    Aidan nodded and his cheek crushed my temple. How did we get this close this fast? I didn't recall either of us moving together. A dance to music only he and I could hear.
    Breath mingled, heartbeats tangled. Mine spiked every time our bodies touched. The heat of his fingers entwined with mine scorched my skin, unbearable and incredible. Blood thrummed in my ears, smudged my thoughts. Just wanted him closer.
    And, as if he'd heard me, as if he knew just one more step would be a step in the wrong direction, he breathed deep and stepped away. He'd stolen away the warmth and I shivered.
    "I think it might be best to keep some distance here. . . ." He wiggled his eyebrows and I giggled softly. "Not sure I can stop myself if you keep getting so close to me all the time."
    Cheeky grin.
    I smiled. "Can we get back to the topic at hand please?"
    "Okay, so who did your friend have the premonition about? Who does she think is going to die?"
    My throat closed, rebelling against the thought, the very idea we might be losing Brody soon. My mind refused to form the words but I tried.
    "Brody," I said, and the name came out ragged and almost unintelligible.
    "Who?" His voice was harsh.
    I cleared my throat again and took a deep breath. Why I thought a deep breath would help I didn't know, but it pushed the name past my lips. "It's Brody. Our Brody."
    Aidan's face paled. He'd bonded with the two boys so easily. He was so good with the kids, not minding them rushing around the house playing pirates and squabbling about which game to play on Xbox.
    "What are we going to do?" I whispered and sank onto the edge of the bed. The mattress sank beside me and Aidan's arm curled me into him. My tears were hot and angry and desperate.
    "Do you really believe…her then? That her premonitions are true?" His chin moved in my hair.
    "Yes. It's real." I could barely hear my whispered words.
    "Then we'll do whatever it takes to find out how it works and how we can stop it from happening. Okay?"
    I nodded.
    Before I could thank him for his understanding the door flew open and Ms. Custer burst in. "Aidan, help me! It's Brody!"
    Ms. Custer stared at us, forehead creased. It didn't look good. Aidan and I, both seated at the foot of his half-made bed, his arm around me, my head on his shoulder and my face wet with tears.
    She blinked, swallowed, and then said, "Hurry!" Her eyes snapped down the hall. She turned and raced back to Brody. We would get our telling off soon enough. I swiped at the moisture on my cheeks and eyes, wiping it off on my jeans, and followed Aidan to Brody's room next door.
    Our foster mother sat at the edge of the bed, staring at Brody's pale face. Ms. Custer wrung her hands, then placed them in her lap, knuckles

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