Dead on the Dance Floor

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Book: Dead on the Dance Floor by Heather Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Graham
hell. It’s not good enough to work as hard as I’d have to if I wanted to compete professionally. The good thing is, I really love to teach. I get my thrills by working with the students.”
    â€œBeginners,” Ben said, a note of contempt in his voice.
    â€œEveryone is a beginner at some point.”
    Ben laughed. “Right. So you gonna talk that new student of yours—that tank—into entering the newcomers division at the Gator Gala? That the kind of challenge you’re up to?”
    â€œMaybe I will talk him into it,” she said.
    â€œIt’s all just an excuse for cowardice,” Ben said.
    She didn’t have a chance to respond. A buzzer sounded on Gordon’s desk, and he hit the intercom button.
    â€œDr. Long is here for his lesson with Shannon,” Ella’s voice informed them.
    â€œI’m on my way.” Before she left, she addressed the two men one last time. “Both of you—I’m happy with what I do. Jane and Rhianna are both young and beautiful and talented. Let’s support them, huh?” She glared at both men. Neither responded.
    Shannon started out of the office. Ben slipped up behind her, catching her shoulder the minute they were out of the doorway.
    â€œWe were good, you know,” he reminded her.
    â€œYou really are afraid, you know. Maybe you’re afraid of me.”
    â€œBen, I promise you—I’m not afraid of you.”
    â€œWe could be really good together again,” he whispered huskily.
    â€œNot in this lifetime, Ben,” she said sweetly, then edged her shoulder free. “Excuse me. My student is waiting.”
    â€œTime has gone by, you know. A lot of it.”
    â€œMy student is waiting.”
    â€œYou don’t have to hurt us both by being bitter. You could forgive me.”
    â€œI forgave you a long time ago, Ben.”
    â€œThen don’t play so hard to get.”
    â€œAre you trying to come on to me again—or do you just want to dance with me?”
    â€œBoth?” He laughed with a certain charm, but it just didn’t strum the same heartstrings for her it once had.
    â€œI’m sorry. I know this must be amazing to you, but I’m not hateful, bitter or playing hard to get. I’m just not interested.”
    â€œYou’ll be sorry,” he said, his voice teasing.
    She stopped, staring at him. “Ben, you have a new partner. What’s her name, from Broward. Vera Thompson.”
    He shook his head. “She’s okay. She’s not the caliber I need.”
    â€œHave you told her that?” Shannon inquired.
    â€œOf course not. Not yet.”
    â€œWhy not?”
    â€œYou haven’t agreed to dance again.”
    She shook her head. “Ben, if I ever were to dance professionally again, it wouldn’t be with you.”
    â€œWhy not?”
    She could have told him that the reasons should have been obvious. But then, maybe nothing was as obvious to Ben as it should be.
    So she shrugged. And then she couldn’t help the reply that came to her lips. “You’re just not the caliber I need,” she said, and hurried out to meet Richard for his class.
    Quinn had already read the police report that had been provided by Doug. He’d read the M.E.’s report, as well, which had provided a stroke of luck. There were eight M.E.s under the direction of the chief, but Anthony Duarte had performed the autopsy on Lara Trudeau.
    Just as he had performed the autopsy on Nell Durken.
    And though Dixon might not be a ball of fire in the homicide department, Duarte was tops in his field, a man with a natural curiosity that gave him the propensity to go far beyond thorough, even in the most straightforward circumstances.
    At the desk, Quinn produced his credentials, though he knew the receptionist and she waved away his wallet as she put through the call to Duarte.
    Despite it being close to five, Duarte came down

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