Dead on Arrival

Read Online Dead on Arrival by Lori Avocato - Free Book Online

Book: Dead on Arrival by Lori Avocato Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Avocato
Tags: Suspense, Fiction/General
got into the driver’s seat although I could tell Buzz was dying to drive. He looked like a puppy wildly wagging his tail in anticipation.
    â€œGet in, the bunch of you!” Dano ordered, cranked the engine, and before Jagger and I had seated ourselves on the bench in the back, we were flying out of the parking lot.
    Flying might have been too mild a word.
    Suddenly, I think while making a left-hand turn, I found myself sliding toward Jagger. “Oh! Sorry!” I yelled as the sirens tended to drain out any sounds in close proximity to the ambulance.
    â€œHang on.” He motioned to the railing that was on the wall near me.
    I nodded and grabbed onto the wall handle. “You know what an eight ninety-two is?”
    As soon as the words came out, I shook my head. Jagger knew something about everything.
    â€œAttempted suicide.”
    My grip slipped since one of my hands flew to my face in shock, Dano jammed on the brakes, and before I knew it, I was in Jagger’s lap.
    I pulled myself back to a sitting position, inhaled to clear my head, and got up—then flew out the doors without a word.
    â€œYowza,” Buzz Lightyear said.
    Dano grunted at him.
    Jagger remained silent, but there was some indistinguishable look on his face.
    And I had to grasp onto the doorframe as I watched the young woman in the bed on this 892 call.
    She writhed about like a stripper! Had to be only about mid-twenties, dressed in a thin, very thin, white nightie that might as well have been hanging in her closet instead of trying to cover her.
    Buzz cleared his throat.
    Dano turned to him. “You got this one.”
    â€œShe’s nuts,” a woman, who looked as if she were the patient’s sister said, edging into the room.
    I had to agree; although I also thought the patient looked a bit pale. For a second, I figured these three guys could handle this babe, and maybe I’d sneak out and get back to TLC to snoop, but then she started grabbing onto the headboard—as if it were a pole.
    The three guys took a step foreword.
    I wasn’t going anywhere.
    Buzz asked, “Um, ma’am, can you hear me?”
    The girl looked at him with disgust. “Why the hell wouldn’t I be able to?”
    â€œOh. Good. Great.” Sweat broke out on his forehead, and he wiped a finger across it. “So, ma’am, uh,” he looked at the sister.
    â€œVirginia,” her sister said, while ER Dano threw a sheet over the girl.
    Buzz nodded. “Ms. Virginia, why are we here today?”
    She just about spit the words at him as she kicked at the sheets until they flew off. “I didn’t call you, handsome, but if you wanna f—”
    â€œVirginia!” Her horrified sister said, making the sign of the cross.
    I looked around the room. Statues of Blessed Mother, Jesus, and a few others I didn’t recognize other than that they had to be saints covered the room. Virginia had to be Catholic. A set of rosary beads hung off the doorknob. Yep. Catholic school too.
    Virginia glared at her sister. “So why the hell are these pseudo docs here, Margaret? You called them…” She started to drift off.
    Virginia must have taken a whopping dose of some medication. Despite her maneuvers, she looked semi out of it, and her nail beds were cyanotic instead of bright pink. Not enough oxygen in her system.
    Buzz diligently opened the supply bag, got out a mask, and hooked it up to the oxygen, then tried to put it on Virginia. I’m not sure how it happened, but after I blinked, I looked across the room to see the oxygen mask hanging off of ER Dano’s left ear!
    He grabbed it, pushed Buzz to the side, and said, “What’d you take, Virginia? And—” He undid the mask from the tubing, took out a nasal canula from the bag, and finished with, “I’m not leaving unless you put this on. It’s not confining like the mask. I’ll just stick in into your

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