Dead Hunt

Read Online Dead Hunt by Kenn Crawford - Free Book Online

Book: Dead Hunt by Kenn Crawford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kenn Crawford
Tags: Zombie, Zombies, undead, Zombie Apocalypse, zombie novel, zombie book
asked sheepishly, barely louder
than a whisper.
    The employee didn’t move.
    “Hello?” Lucy said again, slightly louder.
“Is everything Ok?”
    The employee turned his head sideways but
didn’t look at them. His mouth was covered in blood as he continued
to chew. Lucy’s breathing quickened as she lowered her eyes to what
he was holding in his hands. It was… an arm. Her eyes widened, her
heart pounded in her chest as she looked back to the man’s face in
horror. He opened his mouth for another bite and a finger fell to
the floor. Lucy screamed. The employee turned towards her and let
out a weird, groaning yell.
    Lucy stood frozen in horror as Michael pulled
on her elbow. Another employee appeared from behind a stack of
boxes, chewing on a severed leg. He let out the same groaning yell
as Michael pulled Lucy through the door, dragging her to a run.
They raced out of the store and towards the van.
    “Go! Go! Go!” Michael yelled as he pushed
Lucy into the van.
    “What’s wrong?” Wade asked as Michael slammed
the door shut.
    “Go!” Michael yelled again.
    Wade raised an eyebrow questioningly, then
looked towards the Co-op. Two blood-soaked people wearing Co-op
aprons came out. They were both covered in blood, one still chewing
on a half-eaten arm.
    “Christ!” Wade yelled, flooring the van,
throwing the teens backwards, and spraying the approaching
employees with rocks.
    Michael looked out the back window at the
grotesque people. He noticed they barely flinched when Wade
showered them with rocks, they just kept walking towards the van.
They didn’t run, they staggered slowly after them.
    The van went over a steep blind crest,
lifting all four tires in the air.
    “Slow the fuck down!” Paul yelled. “Who the
hell were those people?”
    “They were… eating… people!” Michael
responded, trying to collect his thoughts.
    “They were eating people?” Lauren and Emma
asked in unison.
    “What the fuck kinda hillbillies live here?”
Paul asked as he looked in the rearview mirror.
    “Something’s wrong,” Lucy mumbled to no one,
her eyes still wide in disbelief.
    “No shit, Sherlock!” Paul growled. “How the
fuck do we get to your cabin?”
    “Something’s wrong,” Lucy repeated.
    “Oy! Bambi!” Wade yelled. “We know that
already. How do we get to your cabin?”
    Lucy did not answer. Wade cut the wheel hard
to keep from going off the road, then slowed the van down to a
manageable speed. As the van raced up along the winding, country
road he spotted a few dozen cars parked by a building next to a
    “Oy, car park up ahead is full. Looks like
there’s something going on there.”
    “Thank God!” Lauren answered.
    Wade slowed the van down and pulled into the
parking lot as the tires crunched in the thick gravel. The large
community center that sat next to the church didn’t show any signs
of activity. They stared at the quiet building skeptically.
    “Somebody has to go check,” Wade
    “You go check,” Paul said as he moved to the
back to sit with Lucy.
    “I’m driving!” Wade answered.
    Lauren shook her head. “My heroes. Big on
muscles, short on courage.”
    She opened the van door, looked in the
direction they had just come, and stepped out of the van. She
looked back at her friends. Nobody moved.
    “Y’all just gonna sit there and let a girl go
by herself?”
    Michael swallowed a lump in his throat.
    “I’ll go with you,” he said as he stepped out
of the van. “Keep the door open and the engine running,” he
ordered, looking at Wade.
    Wade nodded in agreement.
    Michael turned to Lauren, “All right then,
let’s go.”
    Emma jumped out of the van. “I’ll go
    The three teens looked once more in the
direction they had come from, then back at the van where Lucy
rocked back and forth in Paul’s arms, mumbling “Something’s wrong.
Something’s wrong.”
    They hesitantly walked towards the door of
the building. The sign on

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