Daughter of the Red Dawn (The Lost Kingdom of Fallada)

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Book: Daughter of the Red Dawn (The Lost Kingdom of Fallada) by Alicia Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Michaels
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against Eranna are the Fae and they are harmed by iron. Large quantities of it will suck the life from a Fae rie faster than you can blink. She plans to use her iron fortress to shield herself from Adrah until she can gather enough power to rule.”
    “I don’t get it,” Selena said, running a hand through her hair. “What does all of this have to do with me? I’m guessing Eranna is the one who sent Titus after me?”
    Wil nodded, his expression grim. “Yes. The Werewolves were the first to fall into slavery under Eranna’s cruel hand. Those who dared to go against her had no choice but to go into hiding. Eranna is using them against each other, pack against pack. Those loyal to her are her hunters and those who are not are slain. It is clear that this boy, Titus, is one of those loyal to her.”
    Selena shook her head. “No. I can’t believe that.”
    “Do not be fooled by his pretty face girl,” Wil warned, leaning forward to rest his hands on the desk. “A Werewolf ’s eyes are the same color whether he’s in human form or animal form. What color eyes did the wolf have that attacked you, I ask?”
    “Red,” Selena answered, shivering as she remembered the unnerving glow.
    “Exactly. He is possessed by Eranna and therefore one of her servants. He is not to be trusted.”
    “Then why warn me?” Selena asked, shooting to her feet. “The first day he saw me in the woods he could have killed me , but he didn’t. Titus had several opportunities after that first day to take me out and he didn’t! Why would he do that if he were possessed?”
    “I do not know, Princess. You should consider yourself fortunate. Titus will not be the last of Eranna’s servants to come for you.”
    “Why? What do they want with me?”
    “You are different, are you not? You have abilities that are inhuman?”
    Selena nodded, casting a nervous glance at Zoe, who knew nothing of her hidden talent. Zoe frowned.
    “You do? Cool! Ooh, are you super strong like Wonder Woman?”
    Selena sighed. “The Flash would have been a closer guess.”
    Zoe’s mouth fell open. “Super speed? Are you kidding me?”
    Wil smiled. “Yes. You possess the same power as your parents then. The speed of the centaurs of Damu.”
    “Centaurs?” Selena groaned, picturing the half-human, half-horse creature in her mind. She remembered them from Greek mythology. “One crazy thing at a time, please. Back to what you were saying about Eranna’s hit men coming after me.”
    “Each of the lost princesses is vital to the power of Fallada. There is a prophecy that Eranna fears more than anything. She had hoped to avoid it by sending you all away, but now she knows that Adrah has sent us after you . She will stop at nothing to secure her throne and to do w hat she must keep you from claiming yours.”
    “Prophecy? What does it say?”
    Wil stood and paced behind the desk. His voice took on a haunting lilt as he recited the words that had obviously been ingrained into his memory.
    “When th e sun turns red over desert sky, when the earth begins to shake , w hen the tides of the sea rise, when the clouds roll and thunder, when the phoenix rises high, when the water creatures cry, when the dreams o f the white dove prophes y, then will come the sacred time. Seven souls united, seated upon thrones royal, will bring about the winds of change, and fertility to the soil. And when the great army marches, all will hear their battle cry. All will know and see the proof of their victory in the sky.”
    Wil stopped, his eyes fixed on Selena. “You, my dear, are the beginning of that prophecy’s coming to pass. ‘When the sun turns red over the desert sky’… it refers to the return of the eldest princess of Damu and the coming Red Dawn. Eranna fears this, for it will signal the beginning of the war. She means to bring the fight to Damu first. You will lead the army that stops her.”
    “No! No way! You’ve got the wrong girl.”
    Selena jumped up from her

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