Dating Dr Notorious

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Book: Dating Dr Notorious by Donna McDonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna McDonald
Tags: General Fiction
not laughing at Regina’s melted form. He couldn’t help feeling damn proud of himself for managing to destroy her impressive composure at last.
    “I don’t know about the steak,” Regina said, clearing her throat and looking for her dignity. “I’m mostly a vegetarian, but meat doesn’t offend me. Please eat what you like.”
    “Mostly vegetarian, huh? Looks like I’m learning all kinds of things about you today,” Ben said companionably, smiling at her again.
    After dinner, they walked to the hotel lobby together. Regina excused herself and went to the front desk. She came back and pressed a room key card into Ben’s hand. “I have to attend a late workshop panel I promised to mediate. If you still want to stay, I should be finished by ten.”
    “Are you sure?” Ben asked, eyes serious even if his tone was teasing. “I wouldn’t blame you for having some doubts. I know I get traumatized about having to commit to a new toothbrush. I hadn’t really thought about what would happen if you actually said yes and let me stay.”
    “Well, this is me saying yes. I want you to stay,” she told him, laughing at his teasing. She reached out to kiss him quickly. Ben leaned into her to return the kiss, but pulled back quickly as well.
    Later , he promised himself. Later. Then he was going to have all he wanted of her.
    Regina dashed off smiling, while Ben stared for long moments at the key card in his hand. He bought toothpaste, a toothbrush, condoms, and a change of underwear from the lobby store before heading up.
    In Regina’s room, he lay down on her bed, using the side not containing the clothes she had obviously shed from the night before. Picking them up, Ben inhaled the scent of her. It made him both restless and brought him peace. He folded and laid them next to his head on the pillow, turned his face into them, and fell straight to sleep.
    Regina opened the door quietly and saw Ben Kaiser sleeping peacefully on her bed. Then she saw his face pressed into her nightclothes. She had to bite a quivering bottom lip to keep from crying at the sweetness of the gesture.
    Damn the man for blasting a hole in every defense mechanism she had spent years creating for herself. At every turn, Ben Kaiser stripped her down emotionally to nothing more than a wishing, hopeful mess of a woman. Regina wanted to hate him for it, but between his tongue probing kisses and the finger-sucking thing, she was too far gone to fight the physical attraction between them.
    All she could hope now was that there would be enough of her left when Ben was done to go on without him when she needed to do so.
    Regina stepped out of her shoes and dropped her bag into a chair. After a quick trip to the bathroom to freshen up, she came back out and crawled onto the bed beside Ben, wearing only her slip. It was the best she could do not having brought any seduction wear with her. She hadn’t even brought any sexy underwear along, so she’d come to bed without any at all, hoping it would shock and please Ben a little to discover the absence of it later.
    Her body barely hit the bed before Ben pulled her into his arms. Sleepy or not, Regina realized, Ben had been waiting for her to return.
    “I missed you,” Ben whispered as his hands stroked her back firmly, making her arch against him.
    Regina felt him run both hands down her hips and across the silky slip before he paused. His hands shook a little as they pulled the hem of the slip up her legs. When he could get his hands fully under it, Ben unerringly found her naked backside. The quiver in his touch and his ragged sigh made Regina giggle. It had taken the man all of fifteen seconds to discover she was naked under the slip.
    “Regina,” Ben choked, one hand moving to the front of her thighs and between her legs to discover she was already very hot and very wet. Ben left his hand there, absorbing his discovery, while his heartbeat tried to find a steady pace that wouldn’t rocket him off

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