Date Night (Wish Come True Book 1)

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Book: Date Night (Wish Come True Book 1) by R.C. Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.C. Matthews
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her stuff over
to shower. Were the two closer than I realized?
    “Sure you don’t need to jump in the
shower as well, JT?” Jared joked quietly once Chloe was safely behind the
bathroom door.
    I whipped around to catch JT’s
reaction to the jest, unable to staunch my deep curiosity. Sparkling blue eyes
met mine dead on as a slow smile spread across his face. He chuckled and asked
Jared a question of his own.
    “Wishing you had come over earlier to
help out in the garden Jared?”
    “I wish,” Jared snorted. “Give me a
chance and I’d be all over that action. But her eyes are all for you man. She’s
yours for the taking.”
    “No way man.” JT shook his head
vigorously and rubbed absently at the back of his neck as if he had a headache
just thinking about it. “Too much on my plate: getting Derek settled into
college, working at the restaurant to make enough dough to survive this last
year and keeping up my grades so I don’t screw up my job offer. The last thing
I need is to get involved in a committed relationship to take my head out of
the game.”
    “Who said anything about commitment?”
Jared asked.
            “Don’t be such a jerk.” I shoved my brother out the back door while
JT went to wake Derek.
    Maybe I should lay-off my brother. If
he hadn’t been such a cad I might not have gained so much insight into what JT
was thinking. His words had been in response to Jared’s comment about Chloe but
I couldn’t shake the feeling that they’d been meant for me. I needed to find an
opportunity later in the day to pull him aside and talk about last night.
    It was tight but the five of us
pulled off the preparations with enough time for JT to shower and change before
the first guests arrived. And what an arrival it was. I flashed Grannie a full
white-toothy smile as she rolled up into the driveway in a burgundy 1970 Camaro
with broad white stripes down the hood. Music was blaring out of the sound
system through the wide open windows. She had even gotten the radio station
    “Holy crap!” Derek laughed out loud
while leaning into the driver side window to give Grannie a peck on the cheek
and check out the black vinyl interior. “When did you get these digs Grannie?”
    She cut the engine and let Derek help
her out of the car. “I just picked it up at the dealership. Happy Graduation,
    “I can’t believe it!” His jaw dropped
as tears quickly flooded his eyes.
    I beamed at him…so happy to be a
witness to his joy. He opened his mouth to say something more but then thought
better of it and simply lifted Grannie off the ground to twirl her once around
in his happiness.
    “You really shouldn’t have. I mean
don’t get me wrong—I’m glad you did— wow !”
    “Don’t thank me too much.” Grannie
chuckled and handed him an envelope. “It has a lot of miles. But it’s from the
original owner. He took real good care of the car. It was time for you to have
your own wheels. You’ll need it to get back and forth from college. I know
you’re living on campus but we’re all going to want to see you now and again. I
got you a few years of insurance too. You just need to cover the cost of your
    “Thank you so much,” he squealed,
taking the keys she offered. “You’re the best.”
    JT stood with his arms lightly
crossed over his chest and ogled the Camaro with a twinge of what looked to me
like envy. But he was clearly happy for his brother. It would mean JT didn’t
have to share his own car anymore. Nothing bad about that.
    “Go on,” JT said, nodding his head at
Derek. “Take it for a quick spin before the rest of the guests start to arrive.
I know you’re dying to try it out. I’ll hold down the fort.”
    Everyone seemed to descend on the
house within a fifteen minute time span and I rushed around with my mother
getting the food arranged on the tables set up in the garage. There was no
shortage of food and drinks with pasta, pulled pork sandwiches,

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