Date Night (Wish Come True Book 1)

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Book: Date Night (Wish Come True Book 1) by R.C. Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.C. Matthews
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he simply couldn’t afford or maybe the reminder of his
mother’s favorite activity was too painful. Either way I was surprised.
    JT stepped out of the garage as we
approached with a smile spreading across his face. His eyes lingered on mine
for a moment. “Ready to get to work or are you too hung over?”
    “I’m ready,” I smiled up at him,
drinking in the sight of his ratty jeans hugging his body and the tight white
t-shirt clinging to his well-defined chest muscles. I was tempted to reach out
and wipe away the tiny smudge of dirt on his cheek just above his full lips. He
was sexy even when he was filthy.
     “By the way, thanks for the
aspirin.” I raised my hand to block the sun from my eyes as I examined JT’s
handy work closely. “The flowers look fabulous, JT. It must’ve taken you all
morning to plant them. Great idea.”
    He stared down at his shoes for a
moment and I was sure I detected a slight flush in his cheeks. Why would he be
embarrassed about planting flowers? It was an incredibly sweet gesture to make
the home welcoming for his brother’s graduation party.
    “Damn right it did.” Chloe said
breathlessly, stepping out of the garage where she had been bent over cleaning
up the remnants of the flower containers. “But it does look fabulous, doesn’t
it? I told JT it would. He didn’t want to spend the time or money. So I had to
take matters into my own hands. It’s my graduation gift to Derek.”
    I stared at Chloe in surprise. What
was she doing here? JT hadn’t mentioned inviting her over to help prepare for
the party. This was supposed to be our gig—JT, me and Jared. Had she just shown
up on her own to plant the flowers despite JT’s objections? Granted the flowers
did look fabulous but who was Chloe to insert her will?
    Derek probably would have appreciated
a card with cash more than flowers, but I kept my mouth shut. So much for being
in charge of the decorations. If I was honest, it pissed me off that I hadn’t
thought of planting flowers myself. I forced a smile and fought to appear
relaxed.  JT and Jared knew me well enough to detect a display of jealousy and
I wasn’t ready to attack that part of my uphill battle yet.
    “Great job.” I bumped my shoulder
against my brother’s side and tried to appear jovial. “It looks just like it
did in the olden days, doesn’t it?” 
    In the days when Chloe wasn’t around
to stand there beaming at her work and at JT. Her work was done. Why didn’t she
go home now? The party wasn’t starting for a few more hours.
    “Sure, whatever,” Jared said,
clasping JT’s hand for a rough shake. “Where’s that good for nothing brother of
yours? We have a tent to put up before people start crashing the party in a few
    “He’s in the house.” JT walked to the
front door and opened it wide to let us all pass through. “We’re going to have to
drag him out of bed.”
    “Typical teenager,” I said, laughing
and then paused so as not to knock Chloe down in the hallway when she suddenly
bent over to pick up a duffle bag off the floor.
    Chloe walked towards the bathroom,
acting like she owned the place and looked back over her shoulder. “Hey JT, I’m
going to jump in the shower to get all of this dirt off of me. I’ll join you
guys outside in 30 minutes.”
    JT nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah,
fine. Thanks again Chloe for planting the flowers. Derek will appreciate it.
They do make the house much more inviting and more like a home.”
    The round cheeks in Chloe’s heart
shaped face glowed with a pretty shade of pink at his praise and her eyelashes
fluttered up at him. “Anything to help out.”
    I inhaled deeply while moving past
the living room and into the kitchen where I could safely roll my eyes,
wondering secretly if my own behavior towards JT was as obvious as Chloe’s.  I
hoped not. Otherwise I was going to have a lot of explaining to do to my
brother by the end of the day. What nerve the woman had bringing

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