Date Me

Read Online Date Me by Jillian Dodd - Free Book Online

Book: Date Me by Jillian Dodd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jillian Dodd
changing out of my soccer clothes, Peyton is still spilling. "He totally used her then ditched her. So she settled for Dawson. Told me that she knew he'd grow up to be almost as hot and planned their perfect senior year in detail."
    "She scripted out her perfect life?" Wow. Whitney and I aren’t really that different.
    I mean, except for the whole bitch part.
    Peyton nods, "Exactly."
    "So you're taking Cam to rub her face in it?"
    "Yep," she says proudly, tightening her ponytail. "I'm tired of her crap. Tired of her telling me who I should date. What I should do. How I should dress. I'm going on record right now." She stands in the center of the locker room and yells out, "I hate square-heeled grandma shoes!" Then she takes a pair of sensible navy pumps out of her locker and whips them into the trash.
    I can't help but flash back to Cush taking off the boots that were trying to kill me and how freeing it felt. How it was about more than just a pair of shoes that didn't fit. I was trying to free myself of Vanessa.
    She goes on. "I'm popular. I'm in every freaking activity there is. I should just make my own group. Tell her to fuck off."
    I scrunch up my nose. "Um, yeah, that might not be the best idea."
    She wraps her arm around my shoulder. "And you are just the girl to be my new best friend."
    "Um . . ."
    She holds up her hand, shushing me. "No. Please. Don't say anything. Let me revel in the freedom."
    "Uh, okay," I say, but I'm thinking, Shit. What did I just get myself into?
    Be a rock star.
    I stop to get hot chocolates for the girls after dance practice and when I get to our room, Katie, Maggie, and Annie are surrounding Katie's desk.
    Katie turns to me. "Keatyn, come here! You have to listen to our new favorite song. And you should see the video. Hang on, I’m going to pull it up. The lead singer. Holy shit. He is so freaking hot. But, like, dreamy. And, I swear, it feels like he's singing to you. Like you're the only girl in the world."
    As she pulls up the video, I see the name Twisted Dreams dance across the screen.
    I slowly drop down onto her bed.
    "It's not a real video," she continues. "Apparently, they played this song for the first time at a concert in Stockholm and the crowd went crazy. So the next concert—well, watch. You'll see."
    The big stage is completely dark except for a spotlight shining down on Damian, who is sitting on a stool holding a microphone. His guitar strap is across the front of his chest; his guitar pushed around to his back. His head is down and his dark bangs are shagging over his closed eyes. The song starts out slow with only his soulful voice.
    She's the kind of girl
    Everybody wants be.
    But no one sees what's inside,
    Or that she cries herself to sleep.
    But I see, baby, yeah, I see.
    She's Miss Popular,
    Floating with the crowd.
    But it all feels so empty
    That she wants to scream out loud.
    But I see, baby, yeah, I see.
    Suddenly, the stage lights up. The band starts rocking as Damian stands up, kicks the stool away, and sings loudly.
    So forget about them,
    Come surf the crowd with me.
    It ain't the water,
    But, baby, it's plain to see.
    You gotta do your own thing.
    Forge your own path.
    Climb up to the top.
    Any way you can.
    You gotta do your own thing.
    Do it up big.
    Launch us to the moon.
    Now, everybody sing.
    The band joins him singing the chorus and so do Katie and the crowd. My eyes fill with tears. I know this is the song he talked about writing when we were in France this summer. About doing what makes you happy. About not following the crowd.
    Be yourself.
    Do what you love.
    And soon we can all
    Be a rock star.
    Be a rock star.
    You gotta do your own thing
    Who cares what they think.
    Rocket to the moon.
    Come on, everybody sing.
    Be yourself.
    Do what you love.
    And soon we can all
    Be a rock star.
    Be a rock star.
    All three of them are still singing, Be a rock star, be a rock star, even after the

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