Darkness Undone

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Book: Darkness Undone by Georgia Lyn Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgia Lyn Hunter
air and tackled another racing for the car. They crashed on the Porsche’s hood like a boulder dropped from the sky. Eve clutched her seat, fingers digging into the leather.
    The man-thing pushed up, his eerie red eyes glowing like neon moons in the dark. Reynner seized him by the hair, ruthlessly ran the blade through his heart, and tossed him aside. The fallen man convulsed on the pitted asphalt. Within seconds, he deflated like a balloon and disappeared from sight.
    A sickening realization dawned. No, they couldn’t be. Things like this only happened in horror movies.
    Jesus, what did she walk into?
    Another red streak of light hissed through the air, slamming into Reynner and sending him staggering back. The remaining monsters attacked.
    Oh, no! They were going to kill him! Eve grabbed her pepper spray from her bag, opened the car door, and stepped out, her heart clocking like a racehorse.
    Breathe, Eve, breathe. You can do this.
    “Eve, get inside the godsdamn car!” Reynner’s roar reverberated through the alley.
    She swallowed but didn’t back down. She didn’t think he’d been keeping an eye on her. One of those things turned, grinned, and in the next instant appeared in front of her.
    Her heart pounding, adrenaline spiking, she sprayed him good in the face. The fiend yelled and cursed in a terrifying, raucous voice, rubbing his eyes. Reynner suddenly appeared like some avenging angel in front of her. A faint glow appeared in his hand and a six-foot-long sword took shape.
    Where the hell did that come from?
    Then she forgot her question as he swung that sword. Her jaw dropped.
    She’d known Reynner was dangerous. His stone-cold features and tough body told her so. Kat had called him a badass, but Eve had never seen anyone cause so much carnage like he did. His sword arched, a deadly gleam of silver decapitating heads. The bodies fell to the ground and disintegrated, not even the clothes remained.
    Now she was alone with this ruthless man who wielded an enormous blade like it was an extension of his arm. His eyes glowed a fiery blue in the night. Strands of his pale hair escaped their tie and streamed to his shoulders. Beautiful, menacing, he strode to her.
    “What the hell were you thinking? I told you to stay in the damn car!”
    Clutching her can of pepper spray like a protective shield, Eve stood face-to-face with a man who’d single-handedly taken down a small army of those creatures. They didn’t scare her as much as he did right then, with the cold fury emitting off him.
    Slowly, she backed away.
    “ Now you’re afraid of me?” Like a whiplash, his voice stung her.
    She stiffened her spine. “No, I wanted to help. It seemed unfair so many were attacking you—”
    He growled, his glare morphing into disbelief. Then in a move that made her head spin, he hauled her to him just as a blinding red flash came hurtling toward them. The blast sent him forward, and he fell against her. Her breath exploded out of her lungs. Eve struggled to hold onto him, his powerful body a sensual blow to her senses. She fought to keep him on his feet and not topple them both to the ground.
    With a snarl, he pushed off her, his enormous sword still in his hand. Eyes blazing, he scanned the alley. She hurried to him. “Reynner—”
    Cursing, he grabbed her wrist and hurried her toward the car. “I have to get you out of here.”
    “What were those men—things?”
    “Hell on Earth—dammit!” He stumbled and let her go, bracing a hand against the grimy, graffitied wall.
    “Let me help you.” She tried to prop him up.
    “No.” He flung out a hand, stopping her. Then dug into his coat pocket, his movements jerky as he searched.
    “But you’re hurt.”
    What the hell was the matter with him? She wanted to help, not cop a feel. Teeth snapping together, Eve waited for Mr. He-Man’s orders.
    Leaning against the filthy wall, Reynner brought out his cell phone and attempted to make a call. The device fell

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