Darkness Taunts

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Book: Darkness Taunts by Susan Illene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Illene
too long without my own sexual gratification. It didn’t bother me in the least to make him suffer since he got this kind of action all the time.
    He looked down at the girl with longing in his eyes. “Blythe, love, you must stop.”
    She pulled away from him inch by slow inch until his cock popped out of her mouth. “But I was just getting to the good part!”
    Nik sighed. “I know. We will get back to it soon enough. For now, I need you to go lie down on the bed.”
    Her brows knitted. “You want me to just lie there?”
    He caressed her cheek and captured her eyes with his vampiric gaze. “Why don’t you play with yourself for a bit to keep yourself entertained? But no getting off without me. Understand?”
    A glazed look settled over her face. “Yes, master Nik. Anything you wish.”
    She got up and did exactly as he asked. As soon as I saw her hand reaching down to stroke herself, I turned my attention elsewhere. “Did you have to compel her?”
    He walked toward me. “Unfortunately, yes. She’ll get herself off a half a dozen times before we finish talking if I don’t.”
    I rolled my eyes. “Then let her. We can go somewhere else to chat.”
    “Where’s the fun in that?” He grinned. “You’ve gotten good at keeping those fair cheeks from blushing, but I know the prudish girl inside of you is still gawking in horror. One of these days I’m going to break that icy shield you keep around yourself.”
    I turned my face away. “I doubt that.”
    Nik cursed. Fingertips brushed against my swollen cheek. “Who hurt you?”
    I pushed his hand away. “It doesn’t matter. I took care of it.”
    He gripped my shoulders. “I want to know who hit you now. Do not make me find out the hard way.”
    “Nik, it doesn’t matter. Just leave it alone.” Things would not get better by him throwing his power around every time someone harassed me. I had to deal with this on my own or I’d never get any respect.
    “Those marks are fresh enough I can smell the drops of blood. You’ll tell me who did this.”
    Vamps didn’t have a much better sense of smell than humans, but get them close enough to blood and they’d home in on it fast. “I shot him in the head. I’m fairly certain he’s learned his lesson.”
    “Who, Melena?” He moved over to his dresser and pulled a pair of pants on. At least I could stop being tempted to look below his neck now.
    I shook my head. “Leave it alone. You’re only going to make things worse.”
    Too fast for me to react, he shot around me and out the door. Crap. I took off running after him. Kariann stood in the hall again, grinning this time when I passed her.
    “You didn’t really think he’d let that slide, did you?” she yelled at my parting back.
    I held up my hand and flipped her off, which only made her laugh harder.

Chapter Six
    Forty-five minutes later every vampire and werewolf in the area who could be reached, plus a few other odd races, stood in a wide circle on the snow-covered lawn. The temperature had dropped to negative thirty. Those of us who couldn’t control our body temperatures huddled in our thick jackets and shivered. Nik had the mostly healed, and now wide-awake, vampire on his knees in front of him with a sword at his neck.
    I was pissed. The stupid man wouldn’t listen to a word I said and insisted he had to make an example out of my attacker. I didn’t really care what these people thought of me, but if they chose to hate me, they should do it for my actions. Not because Nik had to put me on some kind of pedestal.
    A lock of his black hair fluttered across his eyes as he spoke before the assembled crowd. “Hagan Cross, you are hereby sentenced to death by beheading for assaulting a woman you knew to be under my protection. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
    The vampire in question spit on the ground near Nik’s feet. “The bitch deserved it. Everyone here knows her kind ain’t no good. If you had any sense, you’d

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