Dark Stallion

Read Online Dark Stallion by Raven Willow-Wood - Free Book Online

Book: Dark Stallion by Raven Willow-Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven Willow-Wood
Tags: Romance
responded to him. He’d felt her kiss him back. He didn’t believe for a moment that he’d imagined it. She’d wanted him, and it had set him on fire to have her—as if he hadn’t already been on fire!
    Gods! He hadn’t even thought about the fact that he was in his natural form! That she wasn’t made for him in that form!
    At least he’d managed to gather his wits to a degree. He’d been careful of her, if he’d been too maddened to stop—which he should have! At least he hadn’t spilled his seed into her!
    Gods! He had wanted to! It had taken all he could do to pull out of her. He didn’t think he could’ve managed it then if fear hadn’t suddenly hit him, the fear that he might find fertile ground, impregnate her.
    And there’d still been the voice of want riding him, encouraging him to dismiss the notion, to ignore the possibility!
    It had been a near thing! He still felt cold all over at the thought of what he’d almost risked only for a few moments of pleasure.
    She couldn’t really want him, he told himself furiously. It was a trick. She was using her beauty against him, trying to manipulate him. He knew that had to be it!
    And he still wanted to ignore that warning in his head and just take what she offered. He wanted to fuck her until he was exhausted, drunk with it, too weak to move. A part of him didn’t care if she was trying to manipulate him.
    And there was the danger.
    He wanted to believe she wasn’t like the others of her kind, and he knew they weren’t to be trusted. Hoonans viewed them as animals, felt justified in using them as beasts of burden. She couldn’t have any other view of him, which meant she couldn’t possibly desire him.
    Unless she realized his darkness was because he was part hoonan himself and that actually did appeal to her?
    Why not? It was the reason his tribesmen despised him—they knew he was not a pure blood because he had the coloring of the hoonans. Just as they knew Colwin was a half-breed other-worlder because his father, Chandler, had taken Sarah as his mate, making him almost as much of an outsider as he was himself, despite the fact that Colwin had been fortunate enough to be golden like their tribesmen.
    That was even more dangerous thinking, he realized, because he was trying to convince himself that she was as attracted to him as he was to her and he knew better! Even if she suspected that he was part hoonan, she’d seen his true form! She knew what he was!
    She’d looked hurt, he realized after a while. He didn’t think he actually had hurt her, not physically, but what the fuck did he know? He’d behaved like an animal the moment he caught the scent of her arousal, the moment he’d touched her and felt her yield to him, and he’d completely lost it when he’d stroked her woman’s place and found her wet for him.
    His cock rose on the thought, tenting his fucking loincloth. He ignored it, trying to will it to lay down again, but it was reluctant to obey and anxious to test the tight, hot, wet cavern of her body again.
    “Gods!” he muttered under his breath. He was going to be insane in no time at all if he had to stare at her for days on end and not touch her!
    They should leave her and let the king’s men find her, he thought abruptly. Colwin’s half-baked plan of using her to get the foals back wasn’t going to work. The only thing it was likely to do was to bring the soldiers down on their tribesmen!

    Chapter Five
    “Tell me you did not fuck her!” Colwin growled the moment they reached the river.
    Aydin stiffened and turned to look at his brother. “I will not tell you anything, brother! Because it is not your gods damned business!”
    “You did fuck her!” Colwin snapped. “I knew it!”
    Aydin’s lips tightened. “What I did,” he growled, “was chase her down because you fell asleep on guard duty and she escaped!”
    Colwin reddened. “I dozed only a moment,” he muttered.
    “It was

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