Dark Screams, Volume 1

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Book: Dark Screams, Volume 1 by Brian James Freeman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian James Freeman
I’m not caught tonight I have no doubt Dr. Hilliard will find out I’m responsible. But it doesn’t matter, the consequences don’t matter. Only the destruction of the invader matters.
    Dead of Night
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow oh God I’m so sick my hand is shaking so badly I can barely hold the pen.
    I was ready to leave but I had to use the bathroom first and when I finished washing my hands I glanced into the unbreakable shaving mirror above the sink and it was my face that looked back at me but not my eyes oh not
eyes! Again once again I stared into the black roiling pools the evil swirling images the horrors beyond human endurance!
    But the thing that invaded me does not have full control yet I’m still able to think I still have the will to function. No choice again no choice but to do what must be done and do it fast fast fast before it’s too late.
    First blind Dorothy’s magic eyes.
    Then blind mine.

Murder in Chains
    Simon Clark
    I was chained to him by the throat.
    Picture this:
an underground vault that’s big—really big—like the inside of a church. Running the entire length of that vault is a twenty-foot-wide channel of fast-flowing water. The water is black. The sound it makes is the roar of an angry beast. I’m lying there, staring at him. Around my neck is a steel collar. Running from the collar is a chain that’s ten feet long. The other end of the chain is padlocked to a steel collar around the neck of the man that lies unconscious on a concrete slab. The stranger’s got the muscular build of a pro wrestler and long wild-man-of-the-woods hair. He wears one of those all-in-one white paper suits that murder suspects are given when their clothes have been taken away to be examined for their victim’s blood. Even though he’s asleep he radiates BRUTAL. Terror turns my blood to ice. I look up at the lights bolted to the curving brickwork that forms the ceiling and ask myself aloud:
    “How did I get here?”
    The man’s eyelids snapped open to reveal blazing eyes. They were storms of rage. He lurched to his feet and ran.
    “Stop!” I yelled. “Stop! You’ll break my neck!”
    The Goliath kept on running. The slack went from the chain that connected my neck to his neck. It snapped tight so violently sparks flashed from the links. The next moment, I found myself being dragged across the floor, my entire body skittering across the concrete. The pain in my neck was so vicious I screamed. All I could do was grip on to the chain with both hands and submit to being hauled along.
    Goliath hurtled through that huge underground vault, which channeled the river. My shouts and the bellow of rapids echoed back at me. The man in the white coverall didn’t even seem to know I was shackled to him. He’d almost reached the end of the vault when he noticed something to his left. Changing direction, he thundered into a side chamber built from the same bricks that oozed damp and slime. Of course, I kept yelling and, of course, he either couldn’t hear me or ignored me. Then I saw what Goliath had found.
    A guy of around fifty stood with his back to the wall. He wore a high-visibility vest in Day-Glo yellow. Maybe he worked on maintenance down here. When he saw Goliath, his eyes bulged in horror. He was terrified of the beast-man hurtling toward him, dragging me by the chain.
    The man in the hi-viz vest didn’t run away. He couldn’t. He’d been chained to the wall. All he could do was scream—that’s what he did. Loud and piercing enough to hurt my ears.
    Goliath seized the man’s face in one huge, meaty hand. Then he smashed his victim’s head against the brickwork. Not just once, but over and over. Sweet God in heaven, the force of those blows shattered bone. Blood splashed outward in a sunburst pattern of crimson streaks. The skull stopped being a skull. Instead, it resembled a soft, floppy thing, like an empty cloth bag, and it steamed in the cold air.
    Vest guy

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