Dark Magic (Harbinger P.I. Book 3)

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Book: Dark Magic (Harbinger P.I. Book 3) by Adam J Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam J Wright
“Keep the faerie stone,” I said. “I have a few of them.”
    Her face brightened. “Thank you.”
    “Yeah, well, consider it a ‘welcome home’ gift. It’s good to have you back, Felicity.”
    “It’s good to be back,” she said. Then a flicker of sadness entered her eyes and she added, “Despite the way things ended up with Jason.”
    “Hey, don’t worry about that now,” I said, trying to cheer her up. “You know what? Why don’t we leave here early today and go over the case at my house, with pizza and beers?”
    She smiled. “Sounds good.”
    “As soon as Wesley Jones brings that box over, we’re done here. In the meantime, I’m going to pay our witchy neighbors a visit.”
    “The Blackwell sisters?”
    “Yeah, maybe they can tell me if the locked door in my mind is really gone. Give me a magical all-clear.”
    “All right. I’ll start on the magic circle research.” She went around the desk to her chair and sat down before tapping away on her computer keyboard.
    “See you later,” I said, leaving her office and heading down the stairs.
    When I got outside, I squinted against the sunlight reflecting from parked cars and store windows. It was a beautiful day, there was no doubt about that.
    I walked along Main Street toward Blackwell Books at an easy pace, taking in my surroundings, saying hello to people on the street who recognized me, and just enjoying the warm afternoon.
    The thought of kicking back with Felicity later over pizzas and beer lightened my mood. Even the thought of working with Sheriff Cantrell tomorrow didn’t faze me.
    But when I got to the bookshop and was about to push through the door, something made me stop in my tracks. The hairs on the back of my neck bristled and I spun around, expecting to find someone standing right behind me. There was no one there.
    I looked up and down the street but, apart from the townsfolk walking along the sidewalk and enjoying the day, there was nobody else around. Nothing to be concerned about.
    Scanning the cars that drove along the street, I didn’t see anything that would set my senses on edge.
    Still watching the street, I opened the door of Blackwell Books and stepped inside, my good mood shattered.

Chapter 6
    “ A lec Harbinger ,” Victoria Blackwell said from behind the counter as I entered the bookshop, “what a surprise!”
    “Is it really?” I asked.
    “Well, no, Devon did say something about you coming to visit us today. Still, it’s nice to see you. To what do we owe the pleasure?”
    I looked around the shop to see if we were alone, but the stacks of books and the arrangement of the shelves made it impossible to know if there were any customers here or not, so I kept my voice low. “The last time I came, your sister discovered a magical door in my head and your rune amulet detected an enchantment on me.”
    She nodded, her long raven hair tumbling over her shoulders. The wildness of her hair contrasted against the Victorian black lace dress that she wore buttoned up to her chin. She could have worn that dress to any gathering in the nineteenth century and seemed like she was a part of polite society but that wild, unruly hair, untethered by pins or ribbons, would never do.
    “Of course I remember. We had tea in the back room and you brought your lovely friend with you. Mallory, I believe her name was?”
    I nodded, the memory of the foul herbal tea they had served making me grimace. “I’d like you and your sister to check me over again. I think I’ve opened the door and retrieved all of my memories but I want a second opinion.”
    She raised her eyebrows. “Yes, we can do that for you. There is the matter of payment, though.”
    “What? I already owe you a favor from last time. I’m only asking you to do one little thing.”
    “Yes, you owe us a favor for casting a werewolf locator spell,” she said, nodding. “This is a different matter so it will require additional payment.”
    “Okay, so what do you

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