Dark Lycan

Read Online Dark Lycan by Christine Feehan - Free Book Online

Book: Dark Lycan by Christine Feehan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Feehan
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Paranormal
another neck. Dimitri charged the thrashing werewolves, one hand holding his belly together, the other slashing through bodies with the silver sword.
    A sharp call from the sky had the werewolves retreating, fighting their way past Dimitri while Fen fought off any of them trying to finish off Zev. The pack was gone into the mist almost instantly and silently. Only those with the silver stakes in them lay on the ground.
    Dimitri folded in half, went to his knees and sank into the dirt a distance from Fen. Fen caught up the silver sword and cut the heads off the staked werewolves before turning to his brother.
    Zev half sat, blood running down his face and chest in steady streams. Fen shifted back to completely human form as he bent over Dimitri. His brother was in bad shape. He’d had the brunt of the attack, the pack pouring out of the forest straight at Fen. Fen had gone after the Sange rau while Dimitri and Zev had drawn the others to him to give Fen his chance at destroying the ultimate threat.
    Tatijana. See to Zev. Dimitri is close to passing.
    He would save his brother first, no matter how valiant the Lycan had been. He had told Dimitri of his fear that there was such a powerful predator closing in on their homeland, and it was Dimitri who had paid the price because he believed his brother’s suspicion in spite of the lack of proof.
    Tatijana might have healing skills, but he couldn’t take the chance. Better that she practice on the Lycan than Dimitri.
    Hang on, ekäm — my brother, Fen whispered telepathically. He had to maintain his link with Dimitri at all times so that the light of life would not leave his body. Tatijana, I have need of you now. Shield us from Zev’s sight. He cannot see what I do.
    There was so much blood lost. Far too much. He felt her presence almost immediately. Tatijana. His own private miracle. She brushed her hand along his shoulders as she moved toward Zev.
    Mist stands between you and the Lycan.
    Thank you, my lady.
    Fen didn’t hesitate, but plunged his hands into the jagged opening of Dimitri’s belly, searching for the main source of the blood pumping from his brother’s body.
    I will not be aware of my surroundings. You are our only protection, he warned Tatijana.
    I’ve got your back.
    Believing her, he didn’t wait for her reply. He didn’t have time. He had to trust that she would be alert for the return of the pack. He doubted if the rogues would return, their alpha was nursing his own wounds and would need to heal himself before he could kill again, but it was always possible.
    He shed his body fast, becoming healing light, pure spirit to sink into his brother. I am with you. My soul calls to yours, he whispered.
    He traveled through Dimitri’s body to the mass of destruction in his belly. The werewolves had clawed and bitten, tearing great chunks from his body. The first thing he had to do was repair the damage to arteries and veins and stop the flow of blood. It seemed Dimitri’s entire belly was filled with blood and nothing else.
    Ot ekäm ainajanak hany, jama— My brother’s body is a lump of earth, close to death.
    It had been long since he’d used the great healing chant, but this was no small wound. If he was to succeed he would need time, patience and blood. Powerful blood.
    That light in Dimitri was very dim, moving down the tree of life, far away from Fen. Fen redoubled his efforts. Time was running out fast. He found the places where teeth had bitten through the lifelines in Dimitri’s body—so many places—the damage far worse than he’d seen in centuries. Dimitri had given much to give him the time to keep Tatijana from the Sange rau.
    He resisted the urge to hurry, taking his time to repair each severed or torn artery or major organ with great care. As he performed the task he continued to chant softly in his mind.
    “We, the clan of my brother encircle him with care and compassion. Our healing energies, ancient words of magic and healing herbs

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