Dark Destiny (Dark Brothers Book #4)

Read Online Dark Destiny (Dark Brothers Book #4) by Bec Botefuhr - Free Book Online

Book: Dark Destiny (Dark Brothers Book #4) by Bec Botefuhr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bec Botefuhr
not drinking. Your kids are here and they don’t need to see that.”
    Jagger turns to me, and goes to argue but quickly closes his mouth.
    “Fine, I’ll find somethin’ else to do. You lot ought to give up on this little charade, I spent months out here alone, I can do it again. You’re makin’ a mistake thinkin’ you’ll break me. Did you even stop to think that maybe I don’t want to fuckin’ change?”
    Then he turns and walks back into the room, slamming the door. I sigh and put my head in my hands. This could be a long…long few weeks, or months.
    God I hope it’s only weeks.

    “Willow, this is Liam.”
    I smile at the tall, handsome man Ace is introducing me to. He said Liam is an old friend, and is happy to play along for a little while, in hopes of getting some sort of reaction from Jagger. I honestly don’t think it will work, and I find it a little childish, but it’s worth a try. Anything right now is worth a try. I’m losing him. He’s been in and out of his room all afternoon, ignoring everyone. He’s a strong willed man, and I am wondering if it’s going to take a whole lot more than this to break him. I feel like we could be making a mistake trying this, but I honestly don’t know what else to do.
    “Hi Liam, it’s nice to meet you.”
    Liam is tall, with dark hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. He’s a nice looking man, in all ways. Clean skin, nice hair style…he’s…well…what every mother hopes her child will bring home.
    “Thanks for the invite.”
    “You’re very welcome.”
    I give him my best welcoming smile, and lead him into the kitchen. I hear Cody running around downstairs where Rusty is cooking some food. Everyone is sitting down there, but Jagger is still in his room. I don’t even know if we’ll get him out.
    “Do you need some help?”
    I smile over at Liam, then I hand him a knife. “Sure, if you’re any good at chopping tomatoes.”
    “I go all right, as long as you’re ok with a few fingers in there?”
    I giggle. “I think we can manage without chopping all your fingers off.”
    He chuckles. “I think so too. So tell me, Willow, how do you know the guys?”
    “She’s my wife.”
    I almost smile to myself when I hear Jagger’s voice coming from his door. He walks out, wearing an old pair of faded jeans, a black shirt and no shoes. His hair is messy and he looks fucking gorgeous. I give him a quick glance, then turn back to Liam.
    “Well, we’re on a break. I met them through Jagger here, as I’m sure you’ve guessed. What about you, Liam?”
    I completely brush Jagger off, and I don’t dare to turn to him and see his expression. Part of me is terrified about what I might see, the other part is extremely curious to see if he’s taken some sort of reaction, at all.
    “I know Ace, we met when he was younger. So what do you do for a living?” Liam says, completely ignoring Jagger too.
    I feel Jagger brush past me, open the fridge and pull out a beer. I still don’t turn to him. I just continue slicing the lettuce and peppers.
    “I am just a mom at the moment.”
    Jagger snorts. I want to turn around and slap him, but I keep my cool. Liam does too, he never takes his eyes from me. I guess Ace prepped him well.
    “That’s cool, how old are your kids?”
    Ace walks into the kitchen then, and when he sees Jagger, I see his eyes lighten just a touch.
    “Meat is ready,” he says.
    “Thanks, Ace, come on Liam, can you help me move this stuff?”
    I throw the lettuce into the bowl and Liam throws his tomatoes in. When I have drizzled some dressing on, I lift the bowl. Liam picks up a few rolls and plates and he heads out with me. When I get to the door, I turn and look back towards Jagger.
    “If you’re not going to join us, can you stay up here? I’m not in the mood for your drama tonight.”
    His eyes widen, and when I step outside, I’m smiling. Liam helps me take the food downstairs and when we’re out of Jagger’s

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