
Read Online DangerousPassion by Desconhecido(a) - Free Book Online

Book: DangerousPassion by Desconhecido(a) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desconhecido(a)
beautiful against the black trousers.
    “Touch yourself,” he commanded.
    “What?” Sarah exclaimed. She wasn’t certain she liked this sudden dictatorial change in the man that had rescued her.
    “Don’t make me have to tell you again.”
    “W-Where?” Sarah felt dizzy, disoriented. Edgar had never asked her to do anything like this, and he was the only man she had any sexual experience with.
    “Touch your nipples. Let me see how you like to caress them.” Derek took another half-step closer to Sarah, within arm’s reach now. “Then touch your pussy. I want to see how you do it when you’re alone and your body aches for the release that only comes with a really good climax.”
    Sarah gasped and her jaw dropped open. Without thinking about it, she put her hands over her ears.
    With a chuckle, Derek said, “Don’t lie to me by saying that you don’t masturbate. I know you do. You’re much too passionate, your body much too ripe and alive, for you not to masturbate.”
    Sarah caught her lower lip between her teeth. The words that Derek spoke evoked mental images that were shocking to Sarah...shocking, but not distasteful. To her complete surprise, her pussy was itching, tingling, getting creamy once again. Her clitoris throbbed softly. She was looking straight into Derek’s eyes when her left palm passed from her hip over to her stomach, then traveled slowly upward until she held the generous mound of her right breast in her hand, the stiffened nipple peeking out between her first and second fingers. As she began to slowly massage her breast, Sarah’s right hand slipped between her naked thighs, her middle two fingers pressing lightly against a pink clitoris that was both erect and tingling with anticipation of events that Sarah herself couldn’t even imagine.
    Sarah’s right hand began moving in a slow, circular motion. With her fingertips she felt the heat and wetness of her excitement, of her acceptance of Derek as the man powerful enough to be the leader she needed but had never sought. She pinched her nipple, pulling and twisting on it to send shivers of lust racing through her veins.
    “Oh...” she sighed, staring at Derek’s handsome face as his gaze went slowly up and down over her, taking in her erotic performance with a connoisseur’s appraisal. “Oh, Derek...why are you making me...making me do this?”
    He smiled. “I’m only doing what you want me to.”
    Sarah’s gaze went from Derek’s face down to his cock, which had grown considerably since the last time she had looked at it. It was nearly fully engorged now, long and thick with a blue vein running a squiggly path along its broad, almost flat upper surface. Just looking at Derek’s cock excited Sarah, making her body respond in unprecedented ways. She had never—never ever—responded sensually to the sight of Edgar’s erect penis.
    A low, trembling sigh escaped Sarah. She rubbed her pussy faster, more firmly, suddenly and embarrassingly aware that Derek’s thick, slippery semen was lubricated her clitoris. It was with some effort that she was able to drag her heated gaze from Derek’s cock up to his face.
    “You...” was all she could whisper before the words stopped coming. Her pink tongue made a furtive circumference of her mouth to moisten lips that had gone dry from her labored breathing. With some difficulty she finished her thought with, “You are wicked.”
    An arched brow raised above an eye that shimmered like wet onyx. “Yes, I am,” Derek admitted. “I want you to tell me something, Sarah...”
    Her right hand moved with an increasingly feverish intensity on her clitoris. Sarah abandoned her breasts, reaching down with her left hand to push two fingers into her pussy as her right continued its circular pattern on her clitoris. When this aroused, only her pussy mattered.
    She asked, “Tell you what?” Sarah felt an orgasm approaching at a furious pace.
    “Tell me...do you want to suck my cock?”

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