Dangerous to Know

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Book: Dangerous to Know by Dawn Ryder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Ryder
    Mercer didn’t leave her hanging. He thrust two fingers deep inside her sheath at the same time his lips closed around her clit. The combination sent her body spiraling into climax.
    â€œOh sweet Christ!” Pleasure snapped hard and sharp along her nerves. It drew her muscles tight while she strained toward the source of pressure giving her release. The moment felt like an eternity, and when her brain began functioning once more she was gasping because she’d forgotten to breathe. Perspiration dotted her forehead and her limbs ached from the ways she’d been straining. Another first. Climax had never been such a whole-body experience before.
    â€œMuch better.”
    Mercer growled, his fingers still gently working in and out of her sheath.
    â€œBut … you didn’t enjoy that…”
    One dark eyebrow arched. “Didn’t I?”
    His voice was coated with satisfaction. “Don’t doubt I enjoy making you respond, baby.”
    She curled up, propping her elbows behind her so she could stare at him. “You sound so controlling and smug.”
    His lips curled into an arrogant grin that flashed his teeth. “And you loved it.”
    He pushed back onto his haunches and opened the front of his pants. Her mind stopped functioning on a rational level again, her attention drawn to the hard flesh he pulled into sight. His cock was rigid. Long and thick, it was crowned with a ruby head. Despite the satisfaction still rippling along her body, her vagina demanded a taste of it.
    â€œIn fact, I think your last few boyfriends have been too complacent to suit your needs, Zoe. Great sex is sometimes hard and demanding.”
    He reached out and grabbed her hips. The bed rocked again, letting out a squeak when he tossed her over onto her belly. He grasped both sides of her hips and pulled her up onto her knees, sending a spike of anticipation through her.
    She whimpered when he rose up behind her, the sound of a condom wrapper crinkling before the head of his cock slipped between the folds of her sex. He leaned down, covering her back with his length, his skin hot against her own. His breath brushed the side of her neck, on that tender spot that was so vulnerable. She quivered, caught between helplessness and anticipation. Mercer didn’t give her time to dwell on her feelings. He pulled free and plunged back into her with a solid motion.
    â€œYou need to be taken sometimes, Zoe, admit it.” His grip tightened on her hips. “You want to feel my strength. It makes you fucking hot, doesn’t it? Admit it.”
    â€œI’m not into slave play.” But her voice was husky and needy. The head of his cock was now only teasing the entrance to her sheath, tormenting her with how hard and thick it was. She pushed back, trying to impale herself, but he held her steady. He leaned back down and captured her earlobe between his teeth. It was a tiny bite but the sensation rippled down her body, fanning the flames of desire, making her skin hot.
    â€œDoes that mean you’re sorry you submitted to me tonight, Zoe?” He thrust forward, only a few inches, but it drove the head of his cock into her pussy, stretching her sheath. A strangled sound escaped from her lips, need and anticipation threatening to drive her insane.
    â€œIt feels like you’re as pleased as I am that we aren’t sitting in some restaurant trading details of our lives while trying to ignore just how much we’d rather be fucking.”
    â€œYou’re being an asshole,” she snarled. The response startled her but Mercer chuckled.
    â€œSo be a bitch.” He straightened up and thrust forward until every last inch of his cock was lodged inside her. “Tell me what the hell you want and refuse to take any shit from me.”
    Her body liked that idea. Loved it. Her clit pulsed, demanding to be pressed against his rigid length, but he held tight to her hips, keeping her on

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