Dangerous to Hold

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Book: Dangerous to Hold by Merline Lovelace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Merline Lovelace
give him a name that reminded her of his disgusting profession. It would be better to come up with one that made him more human, more within her ability to manage. The image of her father’s chief of staff flashed into her mind. Perfect.
    With Teresa settled between her knees, Sarah went to work on her tangled hair with the black plastic comb the girl had found. She’d finished Teresa’s and was attacking her own when the sound of the door swinging open caught her arm inmidtug. She angled her head to see the gringo—Creighton, she reminded herself firmly—step inside.
    A look of surprise crossed his face when he saw her sitting cross-legged on the folded-up mat, her long white-gold hair draped over one shoulder.
    â€œHere,” he said curtly. “Wear these when you’re inside the hut.”
    Sarah arched a brow at his tone and caught the items he tossed at her. Obviously, the man didn’t like her appropriating his comb any more than he did his boot. “I think it’s better if I stay robed.”
    â€œI’ve got enough problems on my hands right now without you coming down with heatstroke. Put those on and keep them on. But only in this hut. When you go outside, cover yourself up. Especially that hair. Not that it’ll help much,” he muttered.
    While Teresa scrambled to her feet, Sarah shook out the garments and held them up. Her eyes widened at the tattered skirt, in a bright pattern of pinks and greens, and the well-washed cotton blouse.
    â€œAre there other women in camp?”
    The terse reply irritated her. It was only a comb, for heaven’s sake. “Wouldn’t it be better if the children and I bedded down with these other women?” she asked stiffly. “Then we wouldn’t have to…impose on you.”
    He flashed her a sardonic look and started to reply, but Teresa’s timid voice interrupted her. “I want to stay with el gringo. ”
    â€œDon’t be silly, Teresa. We’ll be more comfortable with the other women. Then el …then Creighton here wouldn’t have to bother with us.”
    He frowned. “Creighton?”
    â€œYou remind me of someone by that name. Since you won’t tell me yours—not that I really want to know it, you understand—I’ll just call you Creighton.”
    His upper lip curled in distaste. “Creighton?”
    Sarah struggled to her feet, yanking at the heavy skirts that threatened to trip her. “Really, I appreciate what you’ve done for us, but I think it would be better if you show me where the other women—” She broke off, gasping, as he moved to her side with the swift, silent grace of a jungle cat.
    â€œYou don’t want to bed down with the other women, Sister Sarah. Trust me.”
    â€œTrust me.”
    It took a moment, but Sarah finally got the message in his eyes. “Oh.”
    â€œRight. Oh.”
    After a moment, he tugged off his floppy-brimmed hat and raked a hand through his dark hair. “Look, I need you to just lay low until I figure out what the heck I’m going to do with you, okay? I don’t trust any one of those scumbags out there.”
    â€œAnd you’re suggesting that I should trust you?” Although she didn’t say it, Sarah’s tone indicated that she considered him just as much a scumbag as his so-called business associates.
    He gave her a nasty smile. “I don’t see that you’ve got a whole lot of choice, Sister Sarah.”
    Well, that much was true. She turned away, gripping the blouse and the gaudy skirt in both hands.
    Jake stared at the fall of blond hair that formed such a startling contrast to the black of her robe. How in hell was he was going to keep the men’s hands off her? he wondered with increasing desperation. How did he dare leave her alone in camp long enough to get to the backup radio transmitter that was hidden a couple of

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