Dangerous Spirits

Read Online Dangerous Spirits by Jordan L. Hawk - Free Book Online

Book: Dangerous Spirits by Jordan L. Hawk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan L. Hawk
would chase the cold from his belly.
    “I can’t believe it’s almost been a year,” Vincent said,
motioning for the barkeep to refill his glass. A year of wearing the silver
amulet, save for when he channeled during a séance. A year of salting his doors
and windows every night before bed.
    A year of feeling as though the thick, oily substance of the
dark spirit that possessed him still stained the inside of his skin. Of fearing
the taste of rot and slime, of blood and wet bone, would bloom again on his
    “James was a good man,” Sylvester agreed. “The world is
lesser without him in it.”
    “The best,” Vincent agreed. “He saw something worthwhile in
everyone he ever met.” Even Vincent.
    “Yes.” Sylvester tugged at the bandage on one finger,
revealing the bright pink of scalded skin. “We could use more men like him. We
had such plans…it grieves me he won’t be here to see them come to fruition.”
    “Plans?” Vincent leaned forward curiously. “He never mentioned
any such things to us.”
    “I think he wanted to wait until everything was in place,
before mentioning it to you and Lizzie.” Sylvester swirled the whiskey in his
glass. “Let’s just say some of my trips to more obscure corners of the world
held a purpose beyond simple curiosity.”
    “Oh.” Vincent sat back, unsure how to feel about this
revelation. He’d believed Dunne shared everything with them. This sounded
important, like something Dunne and Sylvester had worked on together for years.
    And yet Dunne never mentioned it to Vincent, even once.
    “As soon as we’re done here in Devil’s Walk, I’ll explain
everything fully, to you and Lizzie both,” Sylvester went on. “I hope you’ll
agree to help me. I could certainly use your assistance, now that James is gone.”
    “Of course,” Vincent said immediately.
    Sylvester smiled. “Don’t you want to hear what you’re
agreeing to first?”
    “I don’t need to. If it was something Dunne thought
important, that’s enough.”
    “I’m glad to hear it, my boy.” Sylvester took a sip from his
whiskey. “And I’m glad to have you here. Although your friend Henry…”
    Vincent took another sip of whiskey. Henry had been in
rather a mood over dinner, although Vincent wasn’t entirely sure why. Perhaps
his distrust of mediums colored his perceptions of Sylvester.
    “Henry can be a bit of a challenge,” Vincent said wryly.
“But I assure you, he has only the best of intentions. His methods are
unconventional, but there is merit to them.”
    “I see.” Sylvester turned his tumbler in a circle, as if
studying the light reflecting in the depths of the whiskey. “If you say he is
trustworthy, of course I’ll accept your judgment.”
    “I’d trust him with my life. Have, in fact.” He hesitated,
but it needed to be said. “Henry doesn’t have as much practical experience as
the rest of us when it comes to actually dealing with the spirit world, however.”
    Sylvester’s look sharpened. “How much?”
    “Our work at Reyhome Castle and a few séances after,”
Vincent admitted.
    Sylvester’s mouth tightened. “Vincent, this is a dangerous
affair. It’s no place for an amateur.”
    “Henry is learning,” Vincent insisted. “And he’s no fool. He
has a level head and keeps his wits about him when things go badly. I saw it
for myself at Reyhome.”
    “I’m sure you did.” Sylvester sighed. “Truthfully, though, I
hoped to speak with you and Elizabeth, not only to catch up, but in order to
plan for tomorrow.”
    Vincent frowned. “I don’t understand. Henry is our business
partner. We want him included.”
    “I know. I only wish you’d spoken to me before your move to
Baltimore.” Sylvester tilted his glass, watching the golden liquid within shift.
“The truth is, I’m no longer young. My face has become a familiar sight on tour
posters, and the public always wants something new. It’s hard to compete with
fresh-faced young ladies, even if

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