Dancing in the Gray

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Book: Dancing in the Gray by Eydie Maggio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eydie Maggio
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, womens lit
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exactly what the lady told him
to. He picked up the tablets and the glass of tequila, and threw
them both down.
    “What the fuck are you doing, Trey? Is
that tequila? Did you guys polish off this bottle last night?” Will
asked as Trey was swallowing Elise’s hangover helper.
    All he did was smile and nod his head.
That was the depth of the detail that Will was getting. “I’ll be in
the shower.” Trey walked into the bathroom and shut the door. He
started the water in the shower.
    “I found her bra.” He heard Will
talking to himself through the door, “I need to meet this
    Trey turned and looked at his back in
the mirror again. He smiled at the thought of Elise writing on him
with her lipstick. She was so playful, and he liked that, a lot. He
finally stripped down and got into the shower. The warm jets of
water felt great, but he couldn’t enjoy it for long. He needed to
hurry and get dressed since the cars would be leaving soon. He
grabbed the soap and rubbed it all over his body except for his
right shoulder. He liked her little lipstick brand. His mind went
to all the places Elise’s lipstick-covered mouth was on him last
night and started getting hard instantly.
    Last night was, hands down, the best
sex he has ever had. She was wild and uninhibited, and she made him
want to be the same way. It felt good to let go and just act on his
feelings, not just his logic. He didn’t overthink, he didn’t
debate, he just – did.
    He should thank Will for convincing him
to meet her last night. He couldn’t wait to see her again.
Suddenly, he remembered that he didn’t have her phone number or
even her room number in order to get in contact with her. He
quickly finished up in the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off.
He put the towel around his waist and headed back into the bedroom
to get changed. He wanted to stop by the concierge to see if they
could get a message back to her. Thank God she was staying at the
same hotel.
    Will was sitting on one of the wingback
chairs in the sitting room as Trey was getting dressed. He knew he
would have to talk about Elise and what happened last night,
otherwise Will wouldn’t drop it.
    “Did the tequila help?” Will called out
from the sitting room.
    “Actually, I think so. I definitely
feel better.” Trey was amused that her little trick worked. He put
some gel in his hair and just ran his hands through it. He would
have to do the messy look today. He grabbed his tie and jacket from
off the bed and headed into the sitting room. “I’m ready. Let’s
    Will was twirling Elise’s bra around
his finger. “Give me that!” Trey snatched it away from him and
shoved it into the interior pocket of his jacket. They took the
elevators down to the lobby where Trey stopped at the concierge’s
    “Will, I’ll catch up with you. I need
to leave a message with the front desk.” Trey asked the woman if
she spoke English.
    “Yes, sir. How can I help
    “Do you have a bag or box?”
    “Yes, sir.” The woman walked to the
boutique located in the hotel and retrieved a shopping bag for
    “Can you make sure that Elise DePaul
gets this package?”
    “Absolutely, sir.”
    Trey pulled Elise’s bra out of his
jacket pocket and placed it into the shopping bag with a note that
    Fun Elise,
    Don’t let me catch you in one of these

Chapter 6
    Elise’s cell phone was ringing on her
nightstand. She opened her eyes slowly only allowing small amounts
of light in at a time. Her head wasn’t pounding too badly from all
the tequila she drank with Trey since she took a couple of
ibuprofen before she passed out in her bed.
    As soon as Trey passed out, Elise left
him the note on his nightstand and on his shoulder then retired to
her room. She didn’t want to have the awkward morning-after moment.
She knew he would be with his family all day so she did the smart
thing and got the hell out of there.
    She grabbed her cell phone and

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