Dancing in the Gray

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Book: Dancing in the Gray by Eydie Maggio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eydie Maggio
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, womens lit
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and pulling him in
    Trey lifted his chest putting his
weight onto his hands. He looked down at her with his trademark
sexy-ass half smile and leaned his mouth near her ear whispering,
“We need more shots.”
    She may have created a

Chapter 5
    Trey was in his boxer briefs lying on
his stomach in the bed of his suite when he heard the knocking on
his door. His head was pounding and his muscles were sore. Then he
remembered why – Elise. He opened his eyes and lifted his head off
the pillow to see where she was. She wasn’t in his bed, so he
slowly got to his feet looking around the bedroom and eventually
the bathroom. She wasn’t there, either. He walked into the sitting
room hoping to find her in there, but she wasn’t. He would be lying
if he said he wasn’t disappointed. He would have liked her to be
there. He walked to his suite door and looked out the peephole to
see Will standing there in a suit.
    The wedding – FUCK!
    He opened the door, and Will came
barging in. “Dude, I’ve been calling you for over an hour.” Will
walked into the sitting room while Trey was rubbing his hands over
his face trying to wake up. Will turned back and must have actually
gotten a good look at Trey because that’s when the questions
    “Dude, you look like shit! What
happened last night?” Will’s eyes were wide.
    Trey couldn’t help the grin that
appeared on his face as he recalled the events that occurred last
night. He walked silently past Will and made his way to the
bathroom as his brother followed him.
    “I guess things went well.” Will
started laughing.
    “What makes you say that?” Trey’s voice
was deep, and his throat was raw. Another smile crossed his face as
he remembered why. Between the tequila and moaning her name out for
countless hours, he was surprised he could even speak.
    “Well, the scratches down your back are
a dead giveaway, but the lipstick note is the
    “Lipstick note?” Trey didn’t know what
Will was talking about.
    “The one on your back. Dude, she marked
your ass!” Will was grinning and pointing to his right
    Trey walked through the bedroom into
the bathroom and turned around to check out his back in the mirror.
Will was right. There were a ton of small pink lines all over his
back. But, more importantly, on his right shoulder blade was the
letter E in script with a heart around it. She wrote on him with
her lipstick while he was passed out. Trey just shook his head and
    “And looking at the state of the bed,
it looks like things went better than well. Details, bro! Spill
it!” Will was leaning against the door frame of the bathroom with
his arms crossed and a stupid smile on his face. There was no way
that Trey was letting Will know anything that happened.
    “What time is it?” Trey remembered
seeing the sun come up before passing out. He just didn’t know how
long he was passed out.
    “It’s 11:30. The cars are leaving at
noon.” Will continued to stand there waiting for details that he
wasn’t going to get.
    “I’ll be ready in a few minutes. Can
you grab my suit?” Trey was pointing to the closet where his Tom
Ford was hanging.
    Will walked over to the closet and saw
a note on the nightstand. “Trey, she may have left another note for
    Trey stuck his head out of the bathroom
door and saw a note on the opposite nightstand next to the bottle
of tequila. He tried not to look too excited in front of his
brother. He walked over to the other nightstand and picked up the
note as Will picked up the bottle and looked at the
    The note was in the same handwriting
from the envelope that Elise left in his laptop bag. It
    Dear Lightweight,
    Hair of the Dog + 2 Ibuprofen =
Hangover Helper
    Send my congrats to your brother. Have
fun at the wedding today.
    On the nightstand, there was a glass
with a small amount of tequila in it and two ibuprofens sitting
right next to it. He smiled and did

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