Damned and Defiant

Read Online Damned and Defiant by Kathy Kulig - Free Book Online

Book: Damned and Defiant by Kathy Kulig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Kulig
Tags: Erótica
    He lapped at her swollen clit, tugging it between his lips, rasping his tongue across her most sensitive spot. Her hips quivered, and her moans grew louder. Spreading her labia with his fingers, he glided his tongue down her cunt and pressed into her channel, tasting her sweet cream. Raising her knees, she splayed her legs open wider. “Dante, fuck me now. Please.”
    “Soon.” As his hands skidded over her thighs, the surge of electricity knocked him back like an ornery horse kick. Damn, he couldn’t believe how much energy a Sha Warrior had. She could knock him on his ass if he drew all her lifeforce in one rush. A blue glow illuminated over her body. The chi energy was ready to be collected. Then the nebula stone vibrated and grew warmer. Another warning from the demoness to come to Anartia? No, the vibration meant something else. Usually the presence of another Drone, but he wasn’t expecting anyone. Could it be caused by Haley’s energy?
    His mouth ravaged her swollen clit, teasing it, bringing her close then backing off.
    “Don’t tease me anymore,” she moaned.
    Outside, the horses stirred, whinnied and raced around the corral. Something disturbed them. Great. This was a hell of a night. This chi collection wasn’t going well. He never should’ve started this with Haley. The horses would be fine. They could go inside the barn if they wanted.
    “Make me come now,” she added.
    Before she finished her sentence, Dante grasped her clit again and shoved a finger inside her pussy, sending her over the edge. She cried out in ecstasy, her hips bucked as the orgasm coursed through her. While she was still thrashing, Dante moved up between her legs, hovering over her body. His mouth almost touched hers as the chi flowed into his mouth like a geyser.
    He was so focused on maintaining control, he didn’t realize that she had slipped out of the deep trance. She wrapped her legs around his hips, drew his cock to the entrance of her pussy and thrust her hips.
    His shaft sank deep into her warm, slick depths. He couldn’t stop. The only time he did this was with the demoness and he never felt such intense desire. He pounded into her, pumped his shaft deep and hard. Fuck, yes.
    Bracing himself above her, he thrust deep and hard and felt the tightness of his groin and belly as an orgasm approached. If he continued, he would kill her just as easily as if he had thrown her over a cliff. Looking down at his Kithra—no, beautiful Haley—sparks danced over her skin. The residual chi. Along his arms, sparks also skittered over his skin—he was losing chi.
    “Come for me, Dante. I want to feel you come,” she said in a drowsy voice. She was still in a semitrance state. With her eyes still closed, she reached up and grabbed her breasts. The sight sent him over the edge.
    In an instant, he threw himself off her and dropped onto his back. His release pulsed in spurts across his abdomen. Swirls of sparks rose in an electrical cloud from his body and vanished by the time they struck the ceiling. Fuck. He’d just lost most of the lifeforce energy he’d collected.
    Glancing over at Haley, he noticed she had her eyes closed and wasn’t moving.
    Dante bolted to his feet. “Haley! Haley! Are you okay?” He leaned over and brushed hair from her face and felt for a pulse at her neck. Thank God.
    When he saw her chest rise and fall, Dante sighed, relieved. Then he heard a small snore. Asleep, she was sleeping. He crumpled to the floor, chuckling.
    After he cleaned himself up, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her bed.
    He covered her with a blanket, and left her room, then paced around his living room like a madman. How close had he come to destroying her? Would she remember their lovemaking? She hadn’t asked for protection. Not that he could get her pregnant or transfer a disease. A condom wouldn’t protect her from the rapid energy drain. What if they weren’t so lucky next time?
    The horses were still

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