Cutter Mountain Rendezvous

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Book: Cutter Mountain Rendezvous by Barbara Weitz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Weitz
The Bullet’s released a statement today before game time.”
    “What kind of statement?”
    “Ted told the press you’re away for special rehab and that they’re keeping your location secret to insure privacy and focus. That you’ll return well before your sixty-day disabled status ends and be back on the roster. Ted expects to hear from you. And soon. He wants you to know the Bullets won’t be held hostage by a prima donna.”
    “Prima donna? Ted’s a prick. Hell, Seth. They’re threatening to withhold my bonus at contract end over a freak accident last fall. I took them to the playoffs last year and would have this year, if a hard hit hadn’t belted me in the shoulder.”
    “It was negligence to get on that dirt bike.”
    “My dad had just died. The season was over.”
    The silence on the other end of the phone meant Seth didn’t like his excuses. His negligence was not debatable in anyone’s mind. Not the Bullet’s management, his agent, or his silent lawyer.
    “Prima donna,” Colton spat and pictured Seth sitting on the edge of his bed in pinstriped pajamas, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was a slight man with a short-clipped thatch of salt-and-pepper hair. His sharp dark eyes could bore holes through his rimless glasses. Words were measured with care whether it was one in the morning or one in the afternoon.
    “I hate being called a prima donna.” Colton walked to the side window and gripped the window frame. The weathered barn was ghostly white in the moonlight. He slapped his hand against the frame, impatient with the silence. “My entire career’s been played by the book. Then I have one slip in judgment that results in a freak off-season accident and I’m a prima donna? That’s bullshit. I’m the Bullets’ damned meal ticket, and you know it. Ted knows it and so do the owners. They’ve told me as much to my face. Shit , this fries my ass. Prima donna.”
    “Are you done?”
    “Shit.” Colton huffed out a breath.
    “Attendance has fallen off with you away. I’ll let them know you agree to be back in Chicago a week before the sixty days are up. You need to be visible. Can I count on you?”
    “I’ll do you one better. Tell them to count on me returning to the mound as a starter.”
    “Good. That will settle the Bullets management down. They know with the media engaged with your return, the stadium seats will be full. Then we’ll have more leverage to make sure you get your bonus.”
    “I’m sure as hell not sitting on the bench the rest of the season.”
    “You will if you want your bonus. Are you worried the arm won’t heal?”
    “I’m not sure. Things don’t feel right. I started the season gangbusters until that damned hit blasted into my shoulder. It hurts like hell. I’ll tell you one thing that’s certain. I intend to return to the mound this year no matter what the shoulder feels like. My contract ends this year.”
    “Then let’s string it along. If you have to sit on the bench a few weeks, be smart and don’t complain. Why go to court with a breach of contract fight that freezes your wages and your bonus.”
    “You can count on me.” Colton set his jaw while trying to loosen the stiff, aching shoulder. “There’s another matter I need you to look into.” When Seth balked upon hearing Kate’s situation, Colton bristled. “I don’t care what type of law you practice, I pay you top dollar. Pass it off to an intern. If Bennett Field is real, I want to know what he’s hiding up his sleeve.”
    “In return, make sure you call me before eleven.” Another beat of silence. “Mason says you’re holed up in the Appalachian Mountains to think. Wrap your mind around what we’ve been talking about here.”
    Colton knew he meant the negligence to get on a dirt bike and sitting on the bench until the season ended. “I’ll call Tony,” Colton said of his agent, Anthony Pirana.
    “We’ve already talked. He’s in agreement.”
    “You called him?”

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