Cutter 5: Red Sin Mc
you forgot the big part.” I inched one of my fingers underneath her
other tit and started slowly moving it side to side. “I want you to say that
they’re my BIG boobs!”
    I pinched her
nipple again and she moaned.
    “Say it!” I
      “These are your big boobs!”
pumped in and out of me. I loved making her tell me how every part of her was
mine to do whatever the fuck I wanted with. I literally owned every part of
her. She was completely mine. “Mm, all mine, huh Grace?” I gave her boob
another kiss. “Mine to do whatever the fuck I want to them.” I chuckled. “My
big boob good girl.”
    Grace slipped her
hand down, unable to control herself any longer.
    I shoved it back
over her head. “Nope. You know the rules, baby.” I held it up over her head as
I kissed down her stomach toward her sweet spot at the center of that juicy
flower. “You have to keep your hand up there until I’m done having my fun.” I
traced small kisses all around her belly button; I could already smell her
juices flowing. “You really are horny, aren’t you, baby?”
    That made two of
us. My cock was about to bust my fucking jeans open.
    “Uh huh,” Grace
said. “It’s been awful without you.”
    “ Mmm , I bet it has.” I pushed her legs apart with one of my
hands. “Tell me how horny you are for my dick, Grace. Tell me you’re a big boob
good girl who can’t stop thinking about my big fucking cock.” I stuck my head
between her legs and started licking up and down her slit through her black
panties. They were already fucking soaked with her wetness.
    “Oh,” she gasped.
“Oh, Lord.”
    I stuck my tongue
out and licked her slit harder.
    God, even her
panties tasted like her fucking tenderness.
    I opened my mouth
and kissed her Cunt through them over and over again. “Say it, Grace,” I
commanded her. “Say it like the good girl you are or you’re never going to be
reminded of what my thick tongue feels like over that rare and tender little
spot you have.”
    “Okay, okay,”
Grace said, giving in. “I’m so horny, Cutter. I’m your horny good girl with big
boobs and I…” Her wrist was trembling over her head, begging to come down and
touch my flat and chiseled stomach. “And I… I can’t stop thinking about your
big cock!”
    “Yes!” I growled
and latched my mouth onto her panties, giving them one last kiss across the
center before I ripped them down and shoved them to her ankles. “Are you ready
for me to have a taste, baby?” I shoved her legs apart, getting that pedal nice
and wide for my mouth.
    And then my dick,
I thought, but tried to not get ahead of myself.
    “Yes! Have a
taste! Please!” She sounded desperate, lost in her desire.
    “Say please,” I
    “Please,” Grace
whimpered. “Please have a taste!”
    “A taste of what
baby?” I looked down at her perfectly shaved pussy.
    Ugh, she was so
    “A taste of your
    She aced the test
and I shoved my head between her legs as a reward and started licking toward
the center of her lollipop. I ran my tongue over that wet damn pussy so fast
that you would think I was looking for the cream as the center of a fucking
Boston cream donut.
    I covered her
entire slit with my mouth next, sucking and kissing on it like it was the only
thing that I’d eaten for weeks. And it pretty much was, her hot cum was gong to
be the only thing solid I’d had in my stomach besides alcohol in weeks.
    Her hand linked
around the back of my head in-between her groans and I forced myself to pull my
head up from between her legs and return it to the position that I’d told her
to leave it in. “Don’t be a bad girl, Grace,” I told her. It took all my
self-control to stop but I needed to make sure that she listened to me, I had
to make sure she knew that I was the one in charge here and I always world be.
If she disobeyed me there were going to be consequences for that decision.
    I pushed my head
back down again

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