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Book: Cut by Emily Duvall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Duvall
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    â€œNo,” she said.
    â€œHow did the bachelorette party go?”
    â€œIt went well up until I learned about Melanie.” Last night wasn’t a topic she wanted to cover with him at this point in time. Soon they would all go home and Melanie would be well. There would be time to figure out how to tell him she’d kissed another man. The very same man who happened to be standing a few feet away and whose touch stayed with her, even though he’d let her go.
    Unaffected, Carl bit into his sandwich. “Are the ladies still in town?”
    â€œThey all went home. Clara and Louise might drive up mid-week.”
    Leslie poked her head out of Melanie’s room and crooked her finger.
    Jessie got to her feet and walked straight over. “Is everything okay?” she said.
    â€œThere’s a chapel on the first floor. I want to go and say a prayer. Would you like to join me?”
    â€œI’d rather wait here.”
    â€œI’ll come with you,” Carl said, suddenly behind her.
    Leslie looked down at Jessie and said, “After the chapel, I’m going to get us checked-in at the hotel.”
    The concept of accommodations took Jessie by surprise. She hadn’t even thought about what to do about tonight. “What hotel?”
    â€œWe’re booked at the Crowne Hotel. It’s not far from here. Luke made the arrangements.”
    This didn’t still well with Jessie. Handouts. From Luke.
    No thanks.
    â€œWhat do you mean?”
    â€œListen, I know what you’re thinking, and the reality is we don’t know how long we might be in San Francisco. Melanie may not wake up for days or even weeks. I even took a leave of absence from my school.”
    â€œYou did?”
    Sorrow filled Leslie’s eyes as she looked over to Melanie. “Of course I did. I can’t go home until I see her open her eyes. We need a place to stay and we can’t let our family history get in the way. If Luke wants to help in any way, I’ll take it. He found us a good hotel that’s close to the hospital. We’re here for Melanie, not to start pointing fingers. We can always settle the bill later. Let’s focus on today, okay? I’m going to pray and then I’ll go to the hotel.”
    â€œI’m ready when you are,” Carl said, wadding the sandwich wrapper in his hand. He took Jessie’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’ll see you soon.”
    Carl and her mother left Jessie in the waiting area. Except for a few other visitors to other patients, Jessie was alone. Brent had slipped out of the room. All for the better in her mind. As soon as Carl left for Fresno, she could get back her ring. The last thing she wanted to do was to go on with more lies.
    The last lie she told had cost her Melanie. The memory of their last fight hung close to Jessie’s thoughts now more than ever. Their brother Mark had attacked Luke and she had harbored the truth and the location of some rare gemstones for seven long years. The lie got easier to justify than to break her sister’s heart with the truth. She’d meant well, but had failed in what she wanted to accomplish.
    Jessie had accepted her sister’s initial reaction of anger. What she couldn’t accept was Melanie’s total silence afterwards. Melanie hadn’t ever tried to communicate with her. Not once. No text or emails or phone calls. She’d been willing to make things right between them and the fact that Melanie didn’t think fixing their relationship had been important cut right through Jessie’s heart. Fury and sadness climbed through her chest, knowing Melanie could have reached out to her and hadn’t.
    Now everyone expected Jessie to throw that big ball of hurt and pain away and go in there and say something meaningful to her sister. To pretend nothing had ever gone bad between them. She’d hurt Melanie, but Melanie had hurt her too. A tear leaked out of

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