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Book: Cursed by Shyla Colt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shyla Colt
    “Definitely. This place is magnificent!”
    He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side as they continued on the path that wound its way through the building.

“I had a really good time tonight, Colton,” she said as they pulled up to his house.
    “I did too I’ve never told anyone else about the butterfly house. It’s always been my secret with my mom.”
    “No one?”
    “No, but I knew you’d love it just as much as she did, if not more. It was the right thing to do. I want you to see every part of who I am, Avalyn.”
    His words pushed her over the edge she’d been trying to avoid. This had long surpassed, casual dating. She was falling in love with him. Please, God, let this be real .
    “Thank you for trusting me with this.”
    She leaned over the console and pulled his face toward her. The scratchy feel of his five o’clock shadow on her palms made her shiver. He was so damned sexy. She moved in to kiss him, and they met in the middle. Their mouths melded for a slow kiss that made her toes curl. The gentle lovemaking their mouths were doing was new. Before it had always been fast, an explosion of passion and naughty words. This was different. She closed her eyes and tilted her head, allowing him more access to her mouth. His hands moved up to cup her face, and she moaned as his tongue tangled with her own. He was like a drug she couldn’t get enough of. Avalyn released his face to run her hands through the short silk of his auburn hair.
    She began a gentle message that made a growl rumble in his chest. They pulled apart for air, and he chuckled. “Woman, you got me out here necking like a teenager.”
    “Maybe we should christen the backseat then while we’re at it.”
    “Mmm, tempting, but not tonight. Tonight I want you in my bed.”
    The rich baritone deepened even further, and she licked her lips to moisten them as her core pulsed in anticipation of what was to come next. “Then what are we waiting for?”
    She turned and opened the door of the truck. He rested a hand on her shoulder, and she paused. She looked over at him.
    The serious expression that covered his face stunned her. “What’s wrong?”
    “I want you there all night, Avalyn. No more taking you home in the dark of night and dropping you off with my lights off. Your father’s not waiting on the porch with a shotgun.”
    “Okay, no more sneaking around.”
    “They already know we’re together. It’s time we stopped tiptoeing around everyone and just be.”
    The conviction in his tone made her smile. “Okay.”
    “Okay?” he asked, his voice filled with disbelief.
    She laughed. “Were you expecting me to say no?”
    “I’m not sure what I thought. I know how much you love your family.”
    “I do. But I can’t let that love and respect be at the expense of us. There’s enough room for you and them in my life.”
    He answered her with the press of his lips against her own. He wrapped his broad hands around her hips and pulled her over the console to rest on his lap. Her skirt belled out around her, and his hardness strained against his jeans. Her pussy gushed in response. She rested her palms on his firm chest and rocked her hips against him. The contact sent sparks traveling through her body. He squeezed her ass, and she gasped when he took over the rhythm. He brought her closer to the edge and ground his hips up into her. She felt him swell beneath her. The rough denim teased her through the thin black lace of her boxer briefs.
    “If you keep this up, we won’t make it to that bed, Coly.”
    “Umm, you’re right.”
    He stilled his movement, and she whimpered, missing the contact. He opened the door and set her down onto the ground before he climbed out.
    The trip to the house and up the stairs to his bedroom was made in record time.
    He tossed her on the bed, and she giggled. Her body bounced once and sank into the plush pillow top. She unbuttoned her red, blue, and white plaid

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