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Book: Cursed by Shyla Colt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shyla Colt
exactly where she should be.
    “What do you want to see first, the outside or the inside?”
    “Your choice.”
    “Inside then.”
    The brilliant hues of the flowers mesmerized her as they moved from display to display. He told her a bit about each one, and she got the feeling he came here fairly often. When she asked as much, he answered, “I come here when I need to get away and think. This place holds some of my fondest memories, though I’ll deny it if you tell my brothers.” He flashed a wicked smile and winked. “I don’t care what other people think about me, but Randy and Hunter can be like a dog with a bone when they get a hold of the right information.”
    She laughed. “I can tell you love them.”
    “Oh, yeah. They just make me want to kill them from time-to-time.”
    “I think it’s a family requirement.”
    They toured building, and he led her to the garden display set up outside.
    “You’re such a tease, drawing out the surprise even longer.” She said as they walked through beneath the lush green arches decorated with deep red blooms.
    “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard those words from a woman.” He laughed. His eyes darkened with lust, and she grinned.
    “I get the feeling I’m a lot of firsts for you, Mr. Edgeworth.”
    “That’s because you Voiles are in a class of your own.”
    “What does that mean?” She placed her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side.
    “It means y’all are a handful.” He pulled her close to him and placed an arm around her shoulders. “Of course, that’s one of the things I adore the most about you. Never a dull moment.”
    “Mmmhmm.” She fought back giggles. Truth was, his family was just as crazy as hers. The stories she’d heard about his Grandpa Willie had made her laugh until she cried. They were on equal footing in so many different ways. Finally they reached a smaller building that sat away from the main one that housed the botanical gardens.
    “Come on inside.” He steered them inside the building, and she gasped. It was a butterfly house!
    Millions of tiny wings fluttered at different intervals. She saw blues, oranges, reds, and whites. A child-like awe filled her.
    They moved toward the center, where a sandstone waterfall had been set up. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the tiny life forces fluttering around her. She summoned a cooling breeze that swirled around her, toying with her hair and giving the butterflies wind to glide on. She imagined their delicate wings brushing against her skin as the peaceful sound of the waterfall renewed her. Her body tingled as she was refilled with positive energy and happiness. She opened her eyes and smiled as the butterflies did one last circle around her head before they flew off.
    “Sorry, I couldn’t resist doing a little communing with nature.”
    “You’re amazing,” Colton whispered.
    Avalyn turned to face him. His features were soft and open. He took her hand in his and squeezed. “I’ve never known anyone like you, Avalyn. I know we haven’t been dating long, but I can see this lasting a long time.”
    “I can too, Colton. I wouldn’t go against my family if I didn’t.”
    “This is all so new for me. I feel like I’m floundering,” he mumbled the words almost to himself.
    “You’re doing just fine.”
    His ability to show his vulnerability was rare in men and one of the many things she loved about him. She was so sick of the men who thought being manly meant never showing emotions and staying in a role that had gone out with the nineteen fifties.
    “Good. Let’s take a closer look at the butterflies. There’s all sorts of creatures hiding in the pool.”
    They moved closer to peer into the clear water, and she laughed. A medium-sized box turtle sat on a rock, sunning himself. Fat white and orange Koi swam around, occasionally surfacing for air. They sat watching them for a while.
    “Would you like to see the rest of the butterfly house?” Colton

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